Sharjah ELECTRICAL 0403300 – SunConsulting is local company

SunConsultingSunConsulting is local company formed 5 years ago to take advantage of the booming market of consulting business in the country. Because of the uneven (fluctuating) demand it experiences in its business, SunConsulting chose to have a staffing policy based on employing a small number of key consultants and using part-timers to fill the demand gap.The varied nature of consulting assignments makes each assignment unique in terms of capabilities and time requirements. SunConsulting charges its clients by the hour of consulting time, which varies according to the rank of the conslutans involved (for example, a billed hour by a partner costs Dhms 2000; by a senior consultant costs Dhms 1500; by a consultant costs Dhms 1000; and by a junior consultant costs Dhms 500)….ually, SunConsulting sits with the client to work out the purpose, scope and expected schedule of the assignment before they draft a contract flexible enough to accommodate for the evolving needs of the client. The amount and quality of consultants’ work is heavily influenced by SunConsulting and is difficult to define and assess by clients. In addition, the consequences of their recommendations cannot typically be seen in the short term. The consulting assignment’s fee, paid by the client, is usually 20-50% more than that specified in the first draft of the contract as a consequence of additional work proposed by SunConsulting during the course of the project.Apart from partners, consultants are paid according to the amount specified in the the first draft of the contract. This means that a consultant may end up spending 20-50% more time than originally estimated for the same amount of money specified at the beginning of the assignment. As a result, consultants are frequently overloaded and underpaid. This situation led some consultants to revolt complaining that their personal free time is used by the company without fair compensation. The company administration argument is that it should make sure that consultants are putting their best in carrying out their assignments and that the unhappy consultants have always the right to quit. The company administration went further and fired those who led the protest justifying its decision by saying that these consultants upset the peaceful work environment of the company. Most of the current consultants are on the lookout for new job openings in the industry. They don’t feel secure in their jobs and are unwilling to go the extra mile for the company or its clients. They don’t feel obliged (compelled) to feed back their constantly acquired expertise and practical knowledge to the repertoire (collection) of the company systems and procedures….ing the lens of the Social Contract Theory, please answer the following questions:Assess the ethicality of the company’s fees policy.What position do you take on the issue of the consultants’ revolt? Why?Evaluate the company’s administration argument on the same issue.

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