Review the following information to ensure that your PowerPoint

Ideally, your PowerPoint presentation should consist of one slide per Course Objective that presents a summary of the key concepts as they relate to the objective and should contain a minimum of one slide per key concept.Review the following information to ensure that your PowerPoint presentation appropriately demonstrates and explains your understanding of the important points and ideas. Be sure to include and document relevant and current real-world examples of the concepts and ideas that you are presenting.Include a minimum of 10 authoritative references to support your information and ideas in this deliverable….e APA Style # 6 (6th edition) as the Style Sheet.Part 1: Objective C and Key Concepts 1 and 2 (20 points)Select and research two countries that appear to be culturally diverse. Compare the cultures of those countries and then explain how cultural and ethical differences influence the conduct of business by U.S. and another country in terms of a) the costs of doing business in each country, b) the relationship of business ethics and the organizational culture and c) other important business practices.Part 2: Objective C and Key Concept 3 (20 points)Using the Veil of Ignorance as a framework, develop an ethical code of conduct that will a) guide the decisions of a multinational business with regional offices and b) a plan that managers can use to anticipate and mediate ethical dilemmas. In your plan, include an actual example to illustrate how your plan would work.Part 3: Objective D and and Key Concepts 1 and 2 (20 points)Compare and contrast the pros and cons of subsidies and identify the stakeholders that are influenced by the use of subsidies. Include in your explanation an actual case where subsidies were a deciding factor for a particular industry. In addition, explain the theory of National Competitive Advantage proposed by Porter and describe how government policies would create a national competitive advantage in the area of biotechnology. Include in your description an actual example where this has occurred. Part 4: Objective D and and Key Concept 3 (20 points)Explain the concept of free trade to include the positives and negatives of free trade. In addition, create a historical time line of events that led to the ultimate development of free trade to include the major influences and contributors to free trade.Include speaker notes that are not the same as what is going to be in powerpoint slides explaining the powerpoint slide in detail minimum three paragraphs per slide in the speaker note section

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