Project Part 1: Project Proposal

Project Part 1: Project ProposalThere are four parts to the final course project. The first part of the project is the initial project proposal, which will be submitted to the instructor for approval–before continuing with the rest of the project. It includes the Introduction to the Project Proposal.The first part of the project will identify the company of choice that will seek an expansion opportunity to an oversee area of choice. Be sure to identify the country and mode of entry. In addition, provide an introduction and overview of the selected company along with an initial analysis of the growth opportunity.Write a 1000 word, APA style paper where you complete the requirements for Part 1 of the Project Proposal. Part 1 must include the following:Introduction:Provide an introduction and overview of the selected company along with an initial analysis of the growth opportunity.Identify the following:Country of choiceMode of entryIn your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the Grantham University online library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement. Please see rubric below.You will also find a document below which covers the entire project, please download and keep this document for future reference throughout the course.Course
OverviewBusiness Policy and Strategy is the
capstone course for business administration majors. This advanced course is
designed to provide students with a general management perspective of the total
business enterprise. Students learn new strategy formulation, implementation,
and evaluation concepts and techniques. Students use this new knowledge,
coupled with knowledge acquired from other courses, to chart the future
direction of different types of organizations. The course builds on previous
courses in diverse functional areas to offer insights and analytical tools
which a general manager needs to plan and implement successful business
policies and strategies. The course emphasizes the practical application of
business theory to business problems.Project
IntroductionPurposeYou will select a company and then identify
and analyze a strategy for its growth into an overseas market.Course
Objectives § Discuss the nature of strategy formulation, implementation, and
evaluation activities.§ Describe the nature and role of vision and mission statements in
strategic management.§ Discuss ten major external forces that affect organizations: economic, social, cultural, demographic,
environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive.§ Discuss the importance of gathering competitive intelligence.§ Explain how to determine and prioritize a firm’s internal strengths
and weaknesses.§ Explain how to develop a SWOT Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE
Matrix, and QSPM.§ Identify important behavioral, political, ethical, and social
responsibility considerations in strategy analysis and choice.§ Explain market segmentation and product positioning as strategy
implementation tools.§ Discuss the nature and role of research and development in strategy
implementation.§ Explain how computer information systems can determine the success
of strategy implementation efforts.Project
Logistics There are four parts to the final course
project. The first part of the project is the initial proposal, which will be
submitted to the instructor for approval. The second part is research on
opportunities and cultural challenges in the country you choose for your
company’s expansion. Next, you will conduct a strategic audit on various areas.
Finally, you will put it all together into a written analysis of your proposed
strategic plan. A final presentation of the proposed plan will be the
culmination of the project.Deliverables
§ Project Part 1: Project Proposal (requires instructor approval) Assigned: Week 2§ Project Part 2: Cultural Exchange and Marketing Strategy Assigned: Week 4§ Project Part 3: Strategic Audit Assigned: Week 6§ Project Part 4: Final Proposal and Presentation Assigned: Week 8Project
Part 1: Project ProposalAssignment Requirements:There are four parts to the final course
project. The first part of the project is the initial proposal, which will be
submitted to the instructor for approval. The first part of the project will
identify the company of choice that will seek an expansion opportunity to an
oversee area of choice. Be sure to identify the country and mode of entry. In
addition, provide and introduction and overview of selected company along with
an initial analysis of the growth opportunity.Steps to complete Part 1Introduction:Provide
an introduction and overview of the selected company along with an initial
analysis of the growth opportunity.Identify the following:§ Country of choice§ Mode of entrySubmission Requirements:Submit
a two- to three-page Word document using 12-pt. font and APA format?Project
Part 2: Cultural Exchange and Marketing StrategyAssignment Requirements:Now that you have your approved idea for
the project it is time to begin the second part of the project, which builds on
Project Part 1. Using the same company of choice that is proposing an expansion
opportunity oversee, conduct research on the country. Specifically focus on the
culture and cultural exchange. For the culture, review the web site
http://geert-hofstede…./ to compare the cultural differences between the
countries. Identify the cultural differences and consider the cultural
exchange. In addition, research and choose the best distributions method:
Product/Market, Pricing, and Positioning.Identify the following:§ Cultural differences§ Cultural exchange§ Distribution MethodsSubmission Requirements:Submit
a two- to three-page Word document using 12-pt. font and APA format?Project
Part 3: Strategic AuditAssignment Requirements:Now that you have conducted a cultural
review along with developing some marketing strategies for entry into the
country, it is time to begin the third part of the project, which continues
from Project Part 2. Using the same company of choice that is proposing an
expansion opportunity oversea, conduct a strategic audit on the following
areas:§ Internal environment§ External environment§ Strengths§ Problem analysis§ Recommendations and implementation costsSubmission Requirements:Submit
a two- to three-page Word document using 12-pt. font and APA format?Project
Part 4: Final Proposal and PresentationAssignment Requirements:It’s time to finalize your research and put
together your final proposal. Below is the summary of what is required for the
final proposal.Project Part 4 is the final written
analysis of your company’s strategic plan. Be sure to include:§ Summary§ Executive SummarySubmit
all of the previous project parts, incorporating any feedback received from
your instructor. Required Sections:Part 1 Introduction§ Introduction and overview of your selected company along with an
initial analysis of the growth opportunity§ Country of Choice§ Mode of EntryPart 2 Cultural Exchange and Marketing
Strategy§ Cultural Differences§ Distributions Methods: Product/Market, Pricing and PositioningPart 3 Strategic Audit§ Internal Environment§ External Environment§ Strengths§ Problem Analysis§ Recommendations and Implementation CostsIn addition, create a 10-15 minute
PowerPoint Recorded presentation in which you describe in detail the key
decisions you made in Project Parts 1, 2, and 3 and the reasons for those
decisions. Include any additional items of your choice to support the proposal
for expansion.Submission Requirements:
your final written analysis of the company’s strategic plan for the expansion opportunity
oversee. It should be eight to ten pages in length. Submit the recorded
presentation video.

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