Prior to my previous class, Introduction to U.S. Healthcare

1).” href=”https://app.schoology…./user/38024995″>Hannah MartinezThu Oct 6, 2016 at 8:46 pmPrior to my previous class, Introduction to U.S. Healthcare, I would have said that there wasn’t any good to come from the ACA. However, once I learned more about it I saw that there was some good. The biggest down side, in my opinion, is penalizing people for not being able to afford health insurance. I do not think it is a matter of choice, if a person could afford it, they would have it. No one really wants to go without insurance but some people just simply cannot afford it. So, I suppose I do not agree with the Supreme Court ruling, I feel that people that are struggling should not be made to struggle further. I am also not certain that it is constitutional to force people to buy something they cannot afford.All of that being said, I do see some positives to the ACA. I think eliminating reimbursements for medical mistakes is a great incentive for hospital staff and doctors to be more cautious in the treating of patients. There are many ways that the ACA will control costs and be helpful.2).” href=”https://app.schoology…./user/18391956″>Tracey GreenlandMon Oct 3, 2016 at 1:08 pmUnfortunately in my daily role I not only have an immediate supervisor but also a director who have such a negative impact upon the department. They have no ambition, just get paid a lot of money for their jobs, cannot walk their talk; they tell me to do it myself and fight my own battles, they have very little integrity; if they don’t know the answer they will just make things up, however, I have been around for numerous years and know that’s not the truth.This makes for a mentally hard day when you have no support and feel you have to fight your own fights and manage the people who are supposed to develop you. I love learning new things and this has had a really negative impact on the way I portray myself at work. They have no ethics and morals which can be frustrating. “Values are defined as the core set of beliefs and principles deemed to be desirable (by groups) of individuals while ethics are defined as the conception of what is right and fair conduct or behavior” (Joyner & Payne, 2002, p. 299). You should believe in yourself, have morals and values in order to be a good leader. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.3).” href=”https://app.schoology…./user/44750221″>Tyler ElwellTue Oct 4, 2016 at 9:25 pmLooking back at all the leaders that have been involved and impacted my life gave me a good reminder of how I got to where I am in life today. One authentic leader in particular provided me with the basic values that have built the foundation of who I am today. My father is truly the most authentic leader I know. Looking back, I have had many great leaders in my life such as sports coaches, career mentors, previous bosses, and the occasional co-worker. I chose to use my father as my example for an authentic leader because after reading through the required readings for this week and after watching the video posted above by Dr. Gilbert, I couldn’t help but think of the values my father engraved in me growing up and how he was by far the most impactful figure in my life. My father is one of the truest and honest people I know. For as long as I can remember, my father has taught me strong morals and values such as integrity, leadership, being truthful, and doing everything you can to look out for others no matter the circumstances. These are just a few examples of values that my father has given me over the years and I believe these values he has drilled into me pushed me into the career field I’m in today. I have however like all of us seen and been around a person that is in a leadership role but fails to an effective leader. An authentic leader needs to be someone that people look up to for guidance, truthfulness, and effective management of whatever and whoever they are leading. One of my former bosses was a horrible leader and was about the exact opposite of what a true authentic leader should be. He always had an inconstant attitude, you never knew whether he was going to have a positive or negative impact on your day. He was horrible with communication and gossiped more than most of the employees did. These are just a few examples of the poor leadership values he possessed.I have however noticed that although having the occasional bad leader in your life can lower your moral while in the presence of that person, once you remove yourself from that poor influence, you gain experience on what not to be as a leader. Having the occasional bad leader can eventually become a positive in your life. This is exactly what I believe shapes a great authentic leader; be true to yourself, understand you will make mistakes but know how to overcome them, and display yourself as the kind of leader that shows your true strengths.4).” href=”https://app.schoology…./user/38437935″>Jessica AdamsSun Oct 2, 2016 at 5:23 pmHello,Amy could have protected herself by entering into a limited partnership. If she had done this, she could have opted to only be a limited partner in the business and only be responsible in the law suit for the amount she invested. A corporation would have also been an option since Amy would have been a stockholder in the corporation and therefore still only be liable for the amount she invested. While an LLC is an option as well because Amy still could have limited liability as a limited partner, I don’t think it would have been right for Amy. She did not agree with the order and refused to pay for it making it seem as she was involved with operations, so she could not be a limited partner. In an LLC, Lester could have been the Member and responsible for the every day operations, such as the ordering, and it doesn’t seem like Amy was accepting that role. I think Amy’s best option would have been the limited partnership.5).” href=”https://app.schoology…./user/17838417″>Stacey McVayEdited · Tue Oct 4, 2016 at 9:20 pmGood evening,My thoughts on this scenario is that prior to establishing the partnership, both partners should determine what type of partnership is in their best interest for their company. It is nice to feel as though developing a partnership can be done with a simple handshake. Unfortunately, this is not a realistic business practice and written agreements are necessary for reasons such as this. A partnership agreement should have been developed and filed with the Secretary of State. If the partnership were created as an Unlimited Liability company, they would both be held personally responsible for the debt. If this were a Limited Partnership, one of the partners would have been personally responsible for the debt. In either one of these scenarios, one of the partners’ personal assets could be at risk to cover the cost of this debt. To avoid the potential of being held personally responsible for the debts incurred by the partnership, they should have set their company up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and they would both have decision making capabilities and their personal assets would be safe. The same would be true of an S Corporation. I have worked for a corporation that had three shareholders and while I was not a shareholder, I was the secretary of the corporation and on the board of directors. When a big decision was to be made, all members of the board would meet to discuss the decision and bring it to a vote. Unfortunately, during one of the board meetings, the Vice-president of the organization did not agree with the majority vote and was asked to submit his resignation. At that point, the remaining shareholders had to purchase the shares of the VP and buy him out of the organization and the company had to be re-structured. This was a very complicated and drawn-out process but it was a great lesson to have experienced.

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