Present skill level and developmental goals

Your learning journals are completely confidential. I am the only one who willread them• Please type your papers using double-spacing and 12-point font, 9 pages• You must choose one skill from three different chapters (e.g., Three skills total -stress management, self-esteem, and personality factors)FORMATPart 1: Present skill level and developmental goalsFor the three chapter/skills you have chosen to focus on, discuss your present skill leveland why you feel the need to choose these skills for the learning journal (i.e. yourstrengths but more importantly, your weaknesses related to each skill). It would bebeneficial to choose skills relevant to the ‘self-assessments’ because it would allow youto discuss your score, and how it’s different from the comparison scoring in the book. Forexample, if you chose ‘self-esteem’ as your skill, you would be sure to include your scorefrom the ‘Self-Esteem Checklist’ and compare your score to the ‘scoring andinterpretation’ part. Do you have any comments, see any inconsistencies, have you foundsimilar results before on other assessments?Don’t quote the text material about the skills word for word but I do want you to discussthe relevant chapters and how it relates to your skills. Outstanding journal entries clearlylink the relevant theory from the text to your skills in order to identify areas forimprovement and to suggest developmental goals.State your developmental goals (see page 6 in book ‘fine points about goal setting), besure that they are positive, specific, concise, realistic and stretch, and sub goals fordifferent time periods. A good developmental goal would thus not be ‘to be a better teamplayer’ but ‘demonstrate that I am paying attention to team mates through the use ofactive listening techniques such as listening reflectively’.Part 2: Reflection on in-class learningReflect on in-class learning by describing your reactions to exercises and any caseanalysis/role play/videos carried out during the class. Your comments should relate toyour skill assessment and development goals outlined in Part 1. Don’t just state whathappened in class or repeat what is in the text; tell me how you reacted to the materialand how this relates to your developmental goals and how it helped you to improve onyour skills.Part 3: Application/Practice of the SkillsApply and/or practice the skills in real life- whether it is in another class, at work, in asocial setting etc. Find time to practice and improve your skills to meet yourdevelopmental goals. You may choose the ‘skill-building exercises’ to formally practiceor any other ways that help you improve your skills (e.g., a past international student gota ‘Canadian buddy’ to help her with communication; another stated positive affirmationsin the mirror every morning for a month). Your choice of activity should be describedspecifically (what, when, where, how), follow from your developmental goals. Simplyput, I want you to carry out the application/practice of the skills and report on yourexperience.Part 4: Future LearningReflect on lessons learned following the completion of practicing the skills. Ask yourselfquestions such as ‘did you successfully meet your developmental goals? Why or whynot?’ ‘What went well about this assignment? What was difficult about this assignment?’‘What are some important lessons that you learned?’ ‘In the future, what can you do todevelop these skill even further?’EVALUATION OF LEARNING JOURNALSCRITERIA SCORINGContent Quality 0-10: ability to engage in self-reflection; critique yourexperience; ability to apply the skills to other situations;ability to take steps toward personal change; discussspecific plans to improve skills….pleteness 0-5: includes all required components and fully addressespart one through four – your current skill level,discussion of class activities, practice of skill and futureefforts.Integration with theory 0-5: integrates the self-assessments, chapter material andclass discussions with chosen skill; use theories andchapters to establish developmental goals and futurelearning.Presentation 0-5: Care is taken in the layout and organization of thepaper – i.e. writing style, grammar, spelling and clarity

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