Part 2 – Written Text of Proposal

Part 2: Written Text of ProposalAnswer the questions below on a word doc re: your proposal. Answer in number or bullet-pointformat:1. Executive Summary Provides a brief overview of your proposal/business plan Includes name, address, phone number, and email address of contact personinside company.2. Description of the Company Describes formation of the company, its history and development3. Description of the Industry What life stage is your industry in? (start up; mature but room to grow; log timemarket leader already established) How many competitors? (how fast are they growing; what is fueling growth;what are the industry trends, etc?) Is industry seasonal? If so what are the off-season opportunities to generaterevenue?4. Description of product and service How was it developed and how does it work? List specific attributes of product Inventory requirements5. Market Analysis Customer demographics: age, gender, income, marital status, occupation,education, ethnicity, family size, home ownership status, geographic location(urban, suburban, rural, etc)6. Marketing Plan Match your product’s/service’s features to the customers’ needs and wants How will you distribute your product/service?7. Management Team How many people are on the management team? Qualifications and credentials of each member Key skills of each member Who reports to whom? Key personnel responsibilities8. Financial Analysis: Not required for this assignment, although this is the point where youwould insert it. It would include equity stake, stock options, and offers to investors.Don’t forget cover page, table of contents, page numbers and any citations.

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