Park WRTG 101 – Assignment 2 Comparison-Contrast Analysis

Writing Assignment #2: Comparison-Contrast AnalysisWriting assignment #2 will be an essay in which you compare and contrast two objects,concepts, or ideas.You are encouraged to use your field of study to help in generating a topic for thisessay. Some sample topics are listed below: If you are majoring in one of the Sciences programs in our SCIP unit, you might be majoringin one of the following: environmental management, biotechnology, laboratory management,social science, gerontology, psychology, or political scienceYou might write a comparison-contrast essay on one of the following:••••••••••• green and non-green buildingstwo processes in building sustainable communitiestwo countries’ approaches to a particular environmental issuearchaeal viruses and bacterial virusestwo gene lists in a particular animal communitydescriptive and prescriptive discriminant analysis in the social sciencestwo views of a particular field of study in the social sciencestwo methods of performance appraisal for an employeegender differences in a particular psychological phenomenontwo frailty modelstwo cultures’ methods or attitudes toward caring for the elderly If you are majoring in one of the disciplines in our Computer Information Systems andTechnology (CITE) unit, you might be majoring in one of the following: computer networksand security, computer science, cybersecurity, digital media and web technology, or informationsystems managementYou might write a comparison-contrast essay on one of the following:••••••••• two cultures’ views on project management and success in a software projectSQL and QBEviewing text on a computer screen and viewing text in hardcopyonline and face-to-face classesmodern terrorism practices and modern cyberterrorism practicesreading traditional books and reading e-bookstwo watermarking techniquesdigital and traditional drawingtwo countries’ approaches to an information systems management issue If you are majoring in one of the disciplines in our Communication, Arts, and Humanities(COMM) unit, you might be majoring in one of the following: communication studies andprofessional writing, East Asian studies, English, graphic communication, history, humanities, ora foreign language such as Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese or Spanish.You might write a comparison-contrast essay on one of the following:•••••• two communication theoriestwo speeches given to two different audiencestwo countries’ approaches to corporate behavior in a particular industrytwo views of a particular historical eventtwo reviews of a particular piece of literature or moviethe verb system in English compared to that of another language If you are majoring in one of the disciplines in our Business and Professional Programs(BAPP) unit, you might be majoring in one of the following: accounting, businessadministration, finance, global business and public policy, human resource management,management studies, marketing, criminal justice, emergency management, fire serviceadministration, homeland security, investigative forensics, and legal studiesYou might write a comparison-contrast essay on one of the following:••••••••••••• stock market and accounting datatwo financial advisors who have different advice on certain issuesconducting business in China and the United Statesissues in conducting business in two countriestwo countries’ approaches to an issue in human resource managementmonetary and non-monetary incentives for employeesfingerprints collected from crime scenes and fingerprints collected in controlledconditionsthe codes of criminal law procedure in two countrieswhite-collar crime and other types of crimepost-storm recovery methods in two geographical areashurricane evacuation policies in two different areas or countriestwo events that have generated homeland security responsescrime detection methods on a popular television show (e.g., Criminal Minds or CrimeScene Investigation (CSI)) and how they compare to those in real life Requirements•• The essay should be 1000-1500 words in length.The essay must cite at least two sources to support your points. OrganizationYour essay should have the following:•• • an introductory paragraph with a thesis least three body paragraphs that illustrate at least three major points and defend thesepoints by referring to the articles you have found on the topic.o You will want to paraphrase or quote from the texts as appropriate.o In citing your sources, please use APA style.o Your body paragraphs should follow the alternating pattern oforganization. This pattern of organization is described in the following videotutorial. Your body paragraphs should analyze at least two points of contrast. You mayhave three or four points of contrast, but you must have at least two. You mayinclude a paragraph about one or two similarities if you would like.a compelling concluding paragraph. In addition, the paper should be formatted according to APA style in accordance with thevideo tutorial you observed in class, How to format your paper according to APA style.••••••• Use one-inch margins.Double space….e size 12 Times New Roman font.Include a running head.Include page numbers.Include a title page.An abstract is not required. As noted above in the bulleted information, you will emphasize the differences, or thecontrasts, in your essay. You may point out similarities as well. However, if there is littlecontrast to exposit on in the essay, then you may have chosen two topics that are not quitesuitable for comparison-contrast. Due Date: to be determined by the instructor

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