Gas exchange between the alveoli and blood is called?Environmental respirationExternal/pulmonary respirationInternal/ tissue respirationDiffusion of gases The vocal cords are found in which of the following structures?LarynxNoseOropharynxTrachea Which of the following structures prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing?PharynxEpiglottisLarynxTonsils The incomplete sections of the tracheal rings allow the esophagus to:Expand into the trachea when swallowing a food bolusCompress the trachea during vomitingClose over the trachea, keeping food from entering the lungsThere are no incomplete sections of the tracheal rings Because the right primary bronchus is slightly wider and has a steeper downward angle than the left:Respiratory infections are more frequent on the right sideAlveoli in the right lung are largerForeign bodies frequently lodge on the right sideForeign bodies more frequently lodge on the left side What structure is responsible for ?sweeping? mucus in the respiratory tract towards thepharynx/mouth?CiliaGoblet cellsMicrovilliSurfactant The grape-like sacs in the lungs where the majority of gas exchange occurs are called:BronchiBronchiolesAlveoliCapillaries What is the name of the substance that is produced by Type II cells in the lungs that reduces surfacetension and allows for the elasticity in the alveoli?SurfactantBileThymosinLung fluid What muscle functions mainly during forced expiration?External intercostalsInternal intercostalsScalenesSternocleidomastoid What is the correct term used to describe the ease at which lungs can expand?AtelectasisComplianceEdemaSurface tension What Gas Law states that the total atmospheric pressure is the sum of the contributions of the individualgases?Boyle’s LawCharles’ LawDalton’s LawHenry’s Law The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is approximately:40 mm Hg45 mm Hg50 mm Hg95 -100 mm Hg The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood is approximately:40 mm Hg45 mm Hg50 mm Hg100 mm Hg What enzyme is needed to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbonic acid?Carbonic anhydraseCarbamino anhydraseBicarbonate anydraseChloride anhydrase During systemic gas exchange what ion is formed from the breakdown of H2CO3 and is utilized by thecirculatory system as a buffer?HCO3H2OH+CO2

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