MD WRITING 103 -Final Project Information Interpersonal

Final Project InformationInterpersonal CommunicationDue Date: TBAThroughout this course, you will work on components of the Final Project. Each week, set aside time to work on the final paper. To keep you on track with the Final Project development, you will submit components in weeks with Research Project Check Point Assignments (Weeks 2, 4, and 7).Your Final Project will provide you with an opportunity to integrate all of the concepts covered in this course. As you read the text and other resources and respond to the discussion questions, keep these issues in mind. Your Final Project will be a research paper focusing on one topic of interpersonal communication that expands your knowledge in one of the areas suggested by the course outcomes: Explain how self-concept, perception, and emotion impact interpersonal communication.Explain the roles of verbal and nonverbal communication in interpersonal interactions.Identify effective listening strategies. Discuss strategies for effectively managing and resolving conflict. Analyze what constitutes effective interpersonal communication in personal, professional, and diverse contexts. You may choose which topic you would like to research, but your paper must include the following:ContentYour paper must be organized with the following components:A clear, distinct introduction that includes a thesis statement — the main points you will address and identification of concepts; separate body that accurately discusses and supports your main points one by one; and a clear, distinct conclusion that summarizes your findings, ties back into your introduction, and provides closure.FormatCover pageText of the paperReferences pageSpecifics:The paper must be eight double-spaced typed pages of text.You must use 12-point Times New Roman.You must have 3 quotes for each section that contains your topic sentence.Use 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper.An APA-formatted cover page, outline, and references page must be included.You will need to cite using APA style all the sources used. As a minimum, the textbook and five additional sources are required (e.g., journal articles).Sources must be cited within your paper and on your reference page using the APA style of citation.

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