MATH CB2200-A clothing company looks at a sample of delivery reports

Q1. A clothing company looks at a sample of delivery reports. The company tests the hypothesis that at most 90% of the deliveries are on time against the alternative hypothesis over 90% are on time and find a p-value of 0.22. Which one of these conclusion is appropriate? A. There is a 76% chance that 90% of the deliveries are on time B. There is a 22% chance that the sample proportion exceeds its observed value if 90% of deliveries are on time C. There is a 22% chance that the sample the company drew shows the correct percentage of on-time deliveries D. There is a 22% chance that 90% of the deliveries are on time Q2. A survey claims that 9 out of 10 doctors recommend aspirin for their parents with headaches. To test this claim against the alternative hypothesis that the proportion of doctors who recommend aspirin is not 0.90, a random sample of 100 doctors was selected. Suppose that the tets statistic is -2.20. Can you conclude that H0 should be rejected at the (i) 0.10, (ii) 0.05, and (iii) 0.01 level of significance? A. (i) no, (ii) no, (iii) yes B. (i) no, (ii) no, (iii) no C. (i) yes, (ii) yes, (iii) yes D. (i) yes, (ii) yes, (iii) no

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