Marketing Strategy for Product Stage of Joy’s Creative Arts

Marketing Strategy for Product Stage of Joy’s Creative Arts Marketing conditions for Joy’s Creative Arts are facing other competitors listed in this marketing plan offering similar programs, it is important for Joy’s Creative Arts standout of the competition as much as possible. Many children and teens attend dance trainings that families include, but the company went to make that change. This company wants to make sure it is equal as possible than other competitors. The strategies use to facing the marketing conditions are evaluating the market by making decisions, evaluate the market size and growth rate, identify the competitors, identify the channels and evaluate economic, sociological, environmental, technological, political and demographic trends. Competition conditions for Joy’s Creative Arts to face is level of competition, competing dance programs against other dance companies’ programs. Perfect competition is one of the best competition for this company. Instead of having a competitive and professional dance team, Joy’s Creative Arts will train recreational students and families that will perform in dance competitions and professional events. When it comes to having recreational students, it also includes everyone just like families. There is no need to have a competitive and professional dance group to perform dance competitions and professional events because recreational students and families can do these events including charity events.New Economy Strategy New economy strategy include decreasing unemployment, create deals, develop better products and services, strengthen connection with customers and employees, innovate and plan. Walker Jr. and Mullins (2011) states, “New economy industries develop in electronic commerce, Internet and market computer hardware and software and develop or provide any of the growing array of telecommunications services” (p.283). Other strategies include using non-stop marketing, defining affordable, healthy and safe dance classes and related services, offer more opportunities and increase business growth and sales in order to be a successful business. Even though the current economy is still bad, getting better at this point. With the current tough economy, there are several strategies that Joy’s Creative Arts business can survive in this current economy. Campman (2001) claim, “The new economy has rules of business are changing and a new type of company is emerging-companies live at the speed of sound. The unique idea, which use the Internet as the channel to market, find venture capitalists to give the funds to develop the idea into a business; build market share at any cost: take the company public through an IPO (initial public offering); and sell the company and move on to the next idea or use the money generated with the IPO to build a truly sustainable business” (p.201). When the time this company started in September 2009, there are activities, which kept this company active. First activity Joy’s Creative Arts has done is to sell products and services on their website. Customers can shop for dance programs and other services at the “Package Deals” page on the website under the “Buy Now” button. Because there are scams online and public communities, customers can do full research of the company, views on products and services before buying the products and services. Some customers prefer to purchase products and services in-person because some people are concern about their personal information exposed on the Internet. The second activity is to get involved in the social media. Joy’s Creative Arts has design a Facebook Page to promote their products and services to attract customers and get active channels. In the company’s Facebook Page, the owner, staffs and customers can post questions, comments, discussions about products and services and industry. The third activity is to contact former customers, which is something the company does not do very often because some companies had bad relationships with some of their customers, some customers move into another state or some former customers the company had a good relationship with keeps in tough about the status of everything. The fourth activity is to contact competitors of present or former customers. Joy’s Creative Arts contact their competitors, but no longer contact them due to bad business relationships between both parties. Because Joy’s Creative Arts is competing against their competitors, it is best not to have any communication with them to avoid conflicts. The fifth activity is to call former prospects like former dance classmates. The company has contacted some former prospects relating to dance, but not all of them because of bad business relationships with some of the former prospects. The sixth activity is to sell additional dance programs and related services to existing customers. Because Joy’s Creative Arts has not working with the right customers, they are unable to do this activity. The seventh activity is to maintain a contact lists. This company keeps a contact lists, but limited the ones that never contacted the company again. The finally activity is to team up with other vendors for joint sales. This company has attended events, but not as much do to budget reasons. Overall, Joy’s Creative Arts can use the new economy strategy to do these activities that will help promote dance programs to customers in different locations.

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