It is conventional wisdom in catering circles

It is conventional wisdom in catering circles that at evening events two thirds of people choose white wine as their beverage. The new catering manager at Simmons would like to know whether or not this figure holds true at Simmons. A total of 240 people attended an evening fund-raising event. Of these 143 drank white wine.3.(a) State the null and the alternative hypothesis in this case. Be sure to define p (in words, please).(b) Verify that the “success/failure” condition is met in this case.(c) Compute the sample proportion that drank white wine.(d) Compute the p-value associated with this sample result.(e) Do these data provide strong evidence that Simmons differs from conventional wisdom in this context? Explain.(f) (i) Compute a 95% confidence interval for p. (ii) Is your hypothesized value for p in the interval? (iii) Is your answer to Part (ii) consistent with your conclusion in Part (e)?

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