In GDP accounting, which levels of government

1.)In GDP accounting, which levels of government spending are included in government spendingA) Spending by the federal government onlyB) Spending by the federal government and some state government and some state government, but not local governmentsC) Spending by governments only as they related to national security , social welfare, and other national programsD) Spending by federal, state, and local government2) Intermediate goods and servicesA) Are used to produce final goods and servicesB) Are double counted in GDPC) Include used goodsD) Are included in GDP3. Real GDP is calculated usingA) Actual figures about prices and quantities gathered from throughout the economy as opposed to nominal figures obtained from an economic modelB) Only the real quantities of goods and services, not the pricesC) The prices of goods and services in a base yearD) The prices of goods and services in the current year4) In the equation that sums up the information on the components of GDP, Y =C+I+G+NX, which component is the largest?A) CB) IC) GD) NX5. Which of the following is counted in the gross private domestic investment category used by the bureau of economics analysis when measuring GDP?A) Changes in business inventoriesB) Residential investmentC) Business fixed investmentD) All of the above6) Real GDP is:A) Equal of the value of nominal GDP, except in the base yearB) The value of goods and services evaluated at base year pricesC) The value of goods and services evaluated at current year pricesD) A measure of output thst was replaced by nominal GDP some time ago7) As a portion of US GDP, government spending includesA) Food stamps and welfare checksB) National defense expenditureC) Unemployment benefitsD) All of the above8) Which of the following is an example of investment, according to economist?A) The purchase of a truck by delivery companyB) The purchase of IBM stock by mutual fund managerC) The purchase of land by a individualD) All of the above9) Which of the following is not included in US GDP?A) The construction of new levees in LouisianaB) Beer brewed in Colorado and purchase by German touristC) Cars produced by a US firm located in CanadaD) US timber exported to Mexico10) Household production and the underground economyA) Is irrelevant because it constitutes only a very small fraction of GDP for most countriesB) Are important but unaccounted for in the commerce Department’s estimate of GDPC) Are not considered formal production of goods and services therefore are not included in GDP accountingD) Are fully accounted for in GDP figures gathered by the commerce department11) Which measure of GDP represents changes strictly in the quantity of goods and servicesA) Nominal GDPB) Real GDPC The GDP measure that sums up the value of goods and services evaluated at current year pricesD) None of the above. All GDP measures represent changes in both prices and quantities12) Suppose that the base year is 2005 and we want to calculate real GDP for 2010. Which procedure would you use?A) Multiply the quantities in 2005 by the prices in 2010, and add up the resultsB) Multiply the quantities in 2010 by the prices in 2010, and subtract them from nominal GDP in 2005C) Multiply the quantities in 2010 by the prices in 2010, and add up the resultsD) Multiple the quantities in 2010 by the prices in 2005, and add up the results13) Using the year 2005 as the base year, and assuming that prices during the 1990s were lower on average than prices in 2005, we can deduce thatA) Nominal GDP was lower than real GDP in the 1990sB) Neither nominal GDP nor real GDP were good measures of GDPC) Nominal GDP was higher than real GDP in the 1990sD) Nominal GDP was equal to real GDP in the 1990s14) When a significant fraction of domestic production takes place in foreign – owned facilities a country’s difference between GDP and GNP is as followsA) GNP will be almost identical to GDPB) GNP will be much larger than GDPC) GDP will be much larger than GNPD) GNP will be more accurate measure of the level of production within the country’s borders15) Which of the following termi opposite of the term “final goods” in the definition of GDP?A) Unfinished goodsB) Intermediate goodsxC) Intangible goodsD) Partial goods16) GDP is comprised of four major categories: Personal consumption expenditure (or consumer spending), investment, government expenditures, and net exports. Consumer spending accounts for approximately how much is US GDP?A) One-fourthB) One thirdC) One-halfD) Two -Thirds17) Purchases of new homes are included in residential investment( a sub-category of investment). Where are purchases of used homes financed by loans counted?A) Consumer spendingB) InvestmentC) They are not included in GDPD) Government spending18) Which of the following items are counted in GDP? A taxi company’sA) Sale of some bonds to finance its purchaseB) Purchase of gasoline for its cabsC) Sale of 5 old cabsD) Purchase of 5 new cabs19) What is the difference between nominal GDP and real GDP?A) Real GDP includes used goods and servicesB) Real GDP is adjusted for inflationC) Nominal GDP is adjusted for inflationD) There is no difference20) Using the information in the tsble, calculate the value of GDPItem Amount , millions of dollarsConsumption expenditure 70Government Purchases 20Net taxes 25Investment 15Imports 5Exports 10A) $120 millionB) $145 millionC) $100 millionD) $110 million21) Growth in the economy is almost always measured asA) Growth in nominal GDPB) Growth in measured GDPC) Growth in real GDPD) The growth of personal disposable income22) A business cycle expansion is defined in terms of risingA) ExpectationsB) Output and employmentC) Stock market pricesD) Interest rated and exchange23) From 1950 until today, how would you describe the business cycle in the US?A) There have been no periods of recession, and the economy has been very stableB) Recession have been milder and the economy has been more stableC) There have been expansions and recessions, but the recessions have been longer than the expansionsD) Recessions have been deeper and longer lasting and the economy more unstable24) What is the difference between GDP and GNPA) There is no differenceB) GDP includes output produced within a nations boundaries, while GNP includes output produced by nations’s own citizenC) GNP includes output produced within a nations boundaries, while GDP includes output produced by a nations own citizens and firmsD) GDP accounts for only final goods and services, while GNP includes used goods and services.

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