In Figure 24-3 above, if the price of cigarettes rises

Home WorkQuestion 1 of 20 In Figure 24-3 above, if the price of cigarettes rises, the consumption of cigarettes could go fromC4 at point D? to:A. C3 at point D.B. C2 at point B?. C. C5 at point E.D. Question 2 of 20If the demand elasticity is between 0 and -1.0, an increased tax on tobacco or alcohol will:A. increase consumption and increase tax revenues.B. decrease consumption and increase tax revenues.C. decrease consumption and decrease tax revenues.D. have no impact on consumption or tax revenuesQuestion 3 of 20Suppose that cigarettes cost $2.50 per pack, and a state imposes a $1.00 per pack excise tax. Inresponse, average cigarette consumption decreases by 10 percent. This would indicate a priceelasticity of:A. –0.03.B. –0.30.C. –1.00.D. –3.00.Question 4 of 20Flu vaccinations are different from year to year because the strains of flu differ. Suppose that fora given year, because the nature of the particular strain of flu, it is twice as expensive (themarginal cost is twice as high at any output level) to vaccinate. According to the economicanalyses, the optimal level of vaccination will:A. rise because the disease is more dangerous.B. rise because people will make greater effort to be vaccinated.C. fall because at the previous level, marginal cost will exceed marginal benefit.D. fall because fewer people need the vaccine. Question 5 of 20The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had its greatest toll in:A. Europe.B. the United States.C. Southeast Asia.D. Africa.Question 6 of 20 In Figure 24-3 above, for smoking, the term “steady state” means that an addicted smoker hasa(n) __________ addictive stock. ?A. increasingB. decreasing C. U-shapedD. constantQuestion 7 of 20Which of the following statements is FALSE?A. Economists view advertising as a complementary good.B. Economists view advertising as a waste of resources.C. Economists view advertising as a barrier to entry.D. Economists view advertising as consumer information.Question 8 of 20 Refer to the diagram above. If a plague reduces both labor demand and labor supply, it will__________ the amount of labor provided. ?A. increase real wage and decreaseB. decrease the real wage and decreaseC. increase or decrease the real wage and increaseD. increase or decrease the real wage and decrease Question 9 of 20HIV/AIDS can be passed:A. through drinking water.B. by mosquitoes.C. through contact with blood, blood products, or other bodily fluids.D. through drinking water and mosquitoes.Question 10 of 20As of 2012, combined state and federal cigarette taxes are as high as __________ per pack withthe state taxes generally constituting a __________ share.A. $1.52; smallerB. $2.00; largerC. $3.27; smallerD. $4.47; largerQuestion 11 of 20If the prevalence elasticity of prevention demand is __________, then demand for treatment may__________, because the epidemic has abated.A. small; increaseB. large; decreaseC. zero; decreaseD. infinite; increaseQuestion 12 of 20 In the figure above, assuming a $3 increase in the liquor excise tax, the __________ bear thelarger share of the tax because __________.A. consumers; the producers are monopolistsB. consumers; the demand is less responsive (elastic) to price than the supplyC. producers; the supply is less responsive (elastic) to price than the demandD. producers; consumers will buy their liquor elsewhereQuestion 13 of 20Which of the following activities does not reflect a cost of an adult influenza epidemic?A. Routine immunization for Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) for the infant children ofthose who become infectedB. Immunization for the susceptible elderly populationC. Reduced productivity of those who become infectedD. Increased absenteeism of those who become infectedQuestion 14 of 20The optimal level of vaccination will most often be __________ because __________. A. 100 percent; vaccinations benefit everyoneB. less than 100 percent; the high marginal costs of the last few may exceed the marginalbenefitsC. 50 percent; most who really need the vaccinations will get themD. variable; some groups are more susceptible to a disease than othersQuestion 15 of 20 In the figure above, suppose that a $3 increase in liquor excise tax leads to the equilibriumshown. This indicates a:A. demand elasticity of approximately –0.5.B. supply elasticity of approximately +1.0.C. demand elasticity of approximately -0.0.D. supply elasticity of approximately +0.0.Question 16 of 20A primary category of external costs associated with alcohol consumption is: A. taxes paid to governments.B. traffic injuries and fatalities occurring to those who have consumed alcohol.C. traffic injuries and fatalities to those who are involved in accidents caused by those whohave consumed alcohol.D. cigarette smoking by those who drink.Question 17 of 20As of 2010 the price of the least expensive first line HIV/AIDS treatment had __________ to__________ dollars per year.A. fallen; 64B. fallen; 88C. risen; 153D. risen; 294Question 18 of 20Following World War II, the federal excise tax on cigarettes in the United States fell as aproportion of the cigarette price because:A. cigarette prices rose.B. the tax was raised only intermittently as cigarette price rose.C. cigarette prices fell due to decreased demand.D. the tax was decreased due to political pressure.Question 19 of 20 Refer to the diagram above. If a plague reduces both labor demand and labor supply, nationalincome, or GDP will:A. rise slowly.B. rise quickly.C. stay the same.D. fall.Question 20 of 20Manufacturers of legal addictive substances argue that they continue to advertise in order to:A. get people to start using the substances.B. get people to switch brands.C. raise more tax monies for the government.D. decrease their revenues so they will have less taxes to pay.

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