If Matt Taylor gets his $800 loan from the Paris

Question 1 If Matt Taylor gets his $800 loan from the Paris First National Bank in cash rather than in the form of anew checkable deposit, the:Paris First National Bank will get $800 in new reserves.Paris First National Bank will not get $800 in new reserves.assets of the Paris First National Bank will increase by $800.assets of the Paris First National Bank will decease by $88.liabilities of the Paris First National Bank will increase by $800.1.5 pointsQuestion 2 If there is a recession, the Fed would most likely encourage banks to provide loans by:buying government securities.raising the discount rate.selling government securities.raising the federal funds rate.1.5 pointsQuestion 3 Exhibit 19-5 Balance sheet of Tucker National Bank Assets Liabilities Required reserves $ Excess reserves 5,000 Loans Checkable deposits 0,000 Total $100,000 70,000 Total $100,000 In Exhibit 19-5, the bank could:extend new loans by $5,000.extend new loans by $20,000.call in $5,000 existing loans.call in $20,000 existing loans.1.5 pointsQuestion 4 Best National Bank is subject to a 20 percent required reserve ratio. If this bank received a newcheckable deposit of $1,000, it could make new loans of:$500.$800.$1,000.$5,000.1.5 points Question 5 The buying and selling of government securities by the Fed is known as:open market operations.federal bond operations.treasury bond operations.open bonds operations.discount rate operations.1.5 pointsQuestion 6 Exhibit 19-4 Balance sheet of Tucker National BankAssets Liabilities Required reserves $ 4,000 Excess reserves 16,000 Loans Checkable deposits ,000 Total $20,000 0 Total $20,000 Suppose Connie Rich deposits $500 in the bank in Exhibit 19-4. The result would be that the bank mustincrease its required reserves to:$4,100. $4,500.$5,100.$5,500.1.5 pointsQuestion 7 When reserve requirements are increased, the:excess reserves of commercial banks will decrease.excess reserves of commercial banks will increase.U.S. Treasury will have to borrow additional funds.money supply will rise.1.5 pointsQuestion 8 Imagine that Odyssey National is a brand new bank, and that its required reserve ratio is 10 percent. If itaccepts a $1,000 cash deposit, then, excluding the $1,000 initial deposit, the banking system canincrease the money supply by:$900.$910.$1,000. $9,000.$10,000.1.5 pointsQuestion 9 Which of the following does not appear on the asset side of a bank’s balance sheet?Required reserves.Checkable deposits.Loans.Excess reserves.1.5 pointsQuestion 10 The required reserve ratio is required reserves stated as a percentage of the money supply.True False 1.5 pointsQuestion 11 The quantity of reserves held by a bank in addition to the legally required amounts is known as: actual reserves.excess reserves.the required reserve ratio.the money multiplier.the monetary base.1.5 pointsQuestion 12 If the economy is inflationary, the Fed would most likely:encourage banks to provide loans by buying government securities.encourage banks to provide loans by raising the discount rate.encourage banks to provide loans by selling government securities.restrict bank lending by selling government securities.restrict bank lending by lowering the federal funds rate.1.5 pointsQuestion 13 The interest rate which the Fed charges banks that borrow reserves from it is the:federal funds rate. discount rate.reserved rate.investment rate.check rate1.5 pointsQuestion 14 Exhibit 19-3 Balance sheet of Tucker National BankAssets Liabilities Required reserves $ 20,000 Excess reserves 0 Loans Checkable deposits $100,000 Total $100,000 80,000 Total $100,000 Assume the Fed purchases a government security from a private dealer and pays with a Fed check of$100,000. If this check is deposited by the dealer in the bank shown in Exhibit 19-3, the bank can extendnew loans in the amount of:$20,000.$80,000.$100,000.$120,000.1.5 points Question 15 Exhibit 19-1 Balance sheet of First Iliad State BankAssets Liabilities Required reserves $1,000,000 Excess reserves 0 Loans $ Demand deposits $10,000,000 In Exhibit 19-1, if the required reserve ratio is raised to 15 percent, First Iliad State will have to convertloans worth:$9,000,000 to required reserves.$1,500,000 to required reserves.$500,000 to required reserves.$1,000,000 to required reserves.$450,000 to required reserves.1.5 pointsQuestion 16 Which of the following policy actions by the Fed would cause the money supply to increase?An open market sale of government securities.An increase in required reserve ratios. An increase in the discount rate.An open-market purchase of government securities.1.5 pointsQuestion 17 When the Fed purchases government securities, it:increases banks’ reserves and makes possible an increase in the money supply.decreases banks’ reserves and makes possible a decrease in the money supply.automatically raises the discount rate….es discounting operations to influence margin requirements.has no effect on either the money supply or the discount rate.1.5 pointsQuestion 18 Which of the following policy actions by the Fed would cause the money supply to decrease?An open-market purchase.A decrease in required reserve ratios.A decrease in the discount rate.None of the above. 1.5 pointsQuestion 19 A decrease in the discount rate by the Federal Reserve causes the money stock to expand.True False 1.5 pointsQuestion 20 Banks normally hold few excess reserves because this practice is:subject to an excess reserves tax.not profitable.against Fed policy.illegal.

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