Human Resource Management Project

The course project is an individual project in which students will be required to develop a (four hour) training course for a previous or present employer (a hypothetical company will work if you have no other frame of reference). The following outline should be used to establish the foundation of your training:Assess the need for training – Conduct a needs assessmentResearch your training topicEstablish 3-5 learning objectives for your training topicDesign training activities to support your topic and audienceSequence training activies and training contentEstablish the method of deliveryEstablish a method to monitor and evaluate the training (course evaluation and transfer of learning)The project will be worth 260 points total, including interim submissions. The project will consist of a comprehensive (minimum 8 pages) paper detailing the subtopics listed above. In addition to the paper, students will be required to present a PowerPoint presentation outlining the specifics of the training endeavor. The training presentation should be approximately 10 slides in length. Slides should use bulleted format and note panes should be utilized to indicate what the speaker would be stating during the presentation regarding each slide. The use of graphics and color is encouraged. The PowerPoint will be posted in the Training Project Presentation and Evaluation Forum. Students will be assessed on both content and appearance of the PowerPoint Presntation. Recommended Outline:I. Title PageII. Needs AssessmentIII. General Learning GoalsIV. Objectives for each Learning GoalV. Training ActivitiesVI. Delivery Method(s)VII. Evaluation Techniques

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