HTH 1306-Identify the value placed in the denominator

Miscellaneous Rates Name ___________________________ Date __________ C. CHAPTER 10 TEST1. Identify the value placed in the denominator for the following rates.a.b.c.d.e.f. Nosocomial infection rateCommunity-acquired infection ratePostoperative infection rateHospital infection rateConsultation rateComplication rate 2. What is the timeline between nosocomial infections and community-acquired infections? 3. Two rates include a statement that the condition increases the length of stay by at least one day.a.b. 4. In what percentage of cases?In what two rates? Surgical data for January.Bed Count: 40 IPSD: 1,025 Admissions 176 Discharges 172 DeathsTotal 5 Postoperative (2) Anesthesia (1) <482 >483 <10 >102 Infections:Postoperative 3Nosocomial 5Additional:Patients seen in consultationPatients operated on 166 Surgical operations performed 185 Anesthesia administered 170 Calculate:a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h. 48 * (R7) Postoperative death rate for JanuaryPostoperative infection rate for JanuaryJanuary nosocomial infection rateConsultation rate for January* (R7) Anesthesia death rate for January* (R7) Gross death rate* (R7) Net death rate* (R5) Bed occupancy percentage 0 5. Regional Medical Center data for October.AdmissionsDischargesSurgical operations 2,0552,0501,222 Comorbidities 240 ComplicationsInfections:Nosocomial 110 PostoperativeCommunity-acquired 25(9)33 Calculate:a. Complication rateb. Nosocomial infection ratec. Postoperative infection rated. Community-acquired infection ratee. Hospital infection ratef. Comorbidity rate6. Surgical data: January through March:Bed Count: 36 IPSO: 2,923360348 AdmissionsDischargesPatients seen in consultation 120 Infections –Deaths- MonthJanFebMar Anes100 Postop Q1hfil 1 11 12 0 ?634 Postop112 Patients Surg Anes Oper On Oper Adm 10895123 120 110 98133 97125 Calculate:a. Postoperative infection rateb. Month in which the postoperative infection rate was the highestc. Nosocomial infection rated. Consultation rate for the periode. * (R7) Month in which the postoperative death rate was the highestf. * (R7) Postoperative death rate for the periodg. * (R7) Anesthesia death rate for the periodh. * (R4) Average daily inpatient census for the periodi. * (R5) Bed occupancy rate for the periodj. * (R7) Gross death rate for the period v . Miscellaneous Rates7. Cascade Hospital (August):AutopsiesUnit Adm. 4018851268GYN47Orthopedic50NB241Totals1,146MedicalSurgicalPediatricsOB Disch. Deaths Yes (HP) Coroner Consults Hospital Infections 39081 1820001 510000 100000 13561 52 12315 201 48 26945482391,120 Q _l 22 6 Q 1 18 1 —2 -1 246 13 Calculate:Overall consultation rate for AugustUnit (service) with the highest consultation rateOverall hospital infection rate for AugustUnit (service) with the highest infection rate* (R7) Gross death rate* (R9) Gross autopsy rate a.b.c.d.e.f.8. Windhaven Hospital (September):Type of Surgery Adm. Disch. Deaths PatientsOperated on Consults Postop.Infections GI 36 35 1 34 12 1 GYN 45 44 0 43 3 0 C-section 21 22 0 20 1 0 Orthopedic 47 46 1 47 20 2 ENT 18 18 0 18 1 0 Urology 27 25 0 26 1 0 CV 22 20 2 20 10 1 -11l 20 1 _18 _Q 1 235 230 5 226 54 5 OtherTotalsOther Statistics: Surgical procedures 254 Surgical operations 235 Anesthesia administered 247 Calculate:a.b.C. Overall surgical consultation ratePostoperative infection rate* (R7) Surgical service with the highest death rate 9. Hillcrest Hospital (July):AutopsiesService De/iv. lnfec. Consult. 1 5 298 1 0 1 144 1 0 0 237 66 2 8 -21.a –1 Q1 _2. 51 Q6 _2. 1,664 237 66 10 452 Adm. Disch. Deaths Med 862 860 33 5 Surg 333 331 16 OB 257 255 NB _m_ Totals 1,673 Yes (HP) Coroner C-Sect. Calculate:a. * (R8) C-section rateb. Hospital Infection ratec. Consultation rated. * (R7) Gross death ratee. * (R9) Net autopsy ratef. * (R7-8) Newborn death rateg. * (R8) Maternal death rateh. Surgical infection ratei. Medical consultation rate10. Crestview Hospital (September):Unit Bed/Bass Count Disch IPSO Medical 70 298 1503 Surgical 40 172 808 Obstetrics 30 119 382 Pediatrics 10 43 129 Psychiatric 25 103 398 ICU 13 60 277 NB 10 85 171 % Occup ALOS5 days Totals:A&C 4.5 days NB 2 Calculate:a.b.c.d.e.f.g. * (R5) Percentage of occupancy for each unit Direct bed turnover rate for A&CDirect bed turnover rate for the medical unitIndirect bed turnover rate for A&CIndirect bed turnover rate for the medical unitDirect bassinet turnover rateIndirect bassinet turnover rate days Miscellaneous Rates11. Data for October:DischargesSurgical operationsSurgical procedures 2,0501,2221,227 Comorbidities 240 Complications 110 Infections: 25Community-acquired 33Nosocomial Postoperative Calculate:a.b.c.d.e.f. . Complication rate for OctoberNosocomial infection rate for OctoberPostoperative infection rate for OctoberCommunity-acquired infection rate for OctoberHospital infection rate for OctoberComorbidity rate for October 9 Vital Statistics Data/RatesName ___________________________ Date _ _________ G. CHAPTER 11 TEST1. A community has 60,000 inhabitants, 35,000 of which are female. Of the female population, 525 havebeen diagnosed with osteoporosis. What is the prevalence rate? 2. In the same community, the number of new cases of osteoporosis reported in the past year was 76and the female population was 36,000. What is the incidence rate in this community, correct to thenearest whole number? 3. State population statistics for the year include:2,555,000Population of state35,000Female population (15-44)Maternal deaths50Live births380,000Infant deaths (<1 year)4,293Neonatal deaths (<28 weeks) 2,527 Fetal deaths (>20 weeks) 3,011 Postneonatal deaths 1,766 Calculate the following:a. Maternal mortality rateb. Infant mortality ratec. Neonatal mortality rated. Percent of all infant deaths that are neonatal deathse. Perinatal mortality ratef. Postneonatal mortality rateg. Fetal death rate:(1)(2)4. Without fetal deaths in the denominatorIncluding fetal deaths in the denominator State Health Department data for the past year indicate:Population:DiseaseDiphtheriaHepatitis AHepatitis BMumpsRubellaRubeola 3,620,000New Cases Deaths 227,882 14320 3,444337856 0 Determine:a. Incidence of diphtheria per 1,000b. Incidence of hepatitis 8 per 10,000c. Case fatality ratio of hepatitis Ad. Cause-specific death rate for mumps per 100,000 5. State cancer registry data for colorectal cancer indicate: PopulationNewly diagnosed casesResidents with “history of” Total M F 1,570,00079312,548 780,0004156,983 790,0003785,665 Calculate:a. Prevalence of colorectal cancer in males (per 100,000)b. Incidence of colorectal cancer in females (per 10,000)6. During the past year, the State Health Department reported the following:State population: 5,610,000DiseasePertussisSalmonellosisShigellosis Newly Diagnosed Cases Deaths 1689,820550 141 1,4109,995 600 STDs:Syphilis (all stages)ChlamydiaGonorrhea 7,000 Calculate:a. Incidence of chlamydia (per 1,000 population)b. Incidence of pertussis (per 1,000 population)c. Case fatality rate of syphilisd. Cause-specific death rate of salmonellosis (per 10,000 population)7. A total of 500,000 males were reported to have a history of prostate cancer during the past year.Of these, 38% were white males and 62% were nonwhite males. The U.S. population was reported as300 million, of which 145 million were males and 155 million were females. Among the male population,110 million were white and 35 million were nonwhite.Calculate:a.b.c. Prostate cancer prevalence (per 100,000)Prostate cancer prevalence (per 100,000) white malesProstate cancer prevalence (per 100,000) nonwhite males 8. The multiplier used in vital statistics rates can also be designated as a power of 10 (10 to the nthpower). The power is the number of Os following the number 1. The multiplier 100,000 is 10 to the 5thpower; 10,000 is 10 to the 4th power, etc. Which power (is n) for the following?a. 100b. 19. A community has a population of 76,000. A total of 3,650 deaths were reported during the past year.Which of the following adequately describes the crude death rate?a.b.c.d.e.. 48 per 1,0004.8 per 1,0000.04 per 1,00048 per 10,0004%

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