HSCI 305 Week 3 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment1. What is a linkage group? If a diploid organism contains 20 linkage groups, how manychromosomes does the organism have in a cell? 2. Chromosomal aberrations are frequently caused by pieces of chromosomes breaking off fromthe main chromosomal body, which can lead to harmful effects. Fill in the following table. (Thefirst one is completed for you as an example)TypeDeletion DefinitionA chromosome aberration in which a pieceof a chromosome is absent. Examples or conditions seen in humanCri-du-chat syndrome (part ofchromosome 5 is deleted.) 3. Aneuploidy is a condition in which a person has either more or fewer chromosomes than the 46that are normally found in humans. Down syndrome can be the result of aneuploidy.Aneuploidy can also cause cancers. For example, lymphocytic leukemia is the result of cellscontaining 3 sets of chromosome 12. What is the fundamental difference between ananeuploidy that might lead to cancer and one that results in Down syndrome? 4. A man with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) is red-green color blind, which is an X-linked recessivedisorder. His brother is normal with a 46, XY karyotype is also color blind. Both of their parentsare not color blind. Assuming that no crossing over occurred in prophase I of meiosis, explainwhich parent and which X chromosome gave rise to the color-blind man with klinfeltersyndrome, as well as where the nondisjunction occurred. 5. Suppose one organism contains 2n=12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would bepresent in a cell with the following chromosome mutations?a. Nullisomyb. Monosomyc. Trisomyd. Tetrasomy

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