hlth380 WEBSITE EVALUATION latest 2016

Locate 2 websites that contain information relative to
• The first
website must be the site of a legitimate organization (governmental agency,
church, or other private organization) that is providing services for the
• The
second website may be a medical site or another site that is focused on
providing information about health issues faced by the elderly.
For each site, complete the Website Evaluation Form that is
attached below. In addition to scoring the sites, write a short
narrative/summary about each one.
• For the
first website, describe the way an elderly person could access and use the
services offered.
• For the
second website, include at least one major area of information that could be
useful to an elderly person. Describe how the content area (e.g., heart
disease, osteoporosis, cancer, exercise & aging, etc.) is presented and how
an elderly person could use the information.
Begin the summary at the bottom of the Website Evaluation
Form. The summary may go onto a second page, if necessary, but must equal no
more than 1 page).
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of
Module/Week 3.
Website Evaluation Form
Your name:
Site number (indicate 1 or 2):
Website URL:
Website title (at the top of the home page):
On a scale of 1–10, with 10 being highest, rank the
_____1. Is the design of the site pleasant to view?
_____2. Is the site designed so that it is efficient for you
to navigate?
_____3. Is the site designed so that an elderly person could
navigate it?
_____4. Is the content of the site easy to understand?
_____5. Is the content of the site factual?
_____6. Would the content of the site be helpful to an aging
_____7. Can you tell who is responsible for the authorship
of the site? If so, who?
_____8. Does it seem as though the authors are credible? Why
or why not?
_____9. Are links available to other sites? If so, are they
working links to reliable sites?
_____10. Overall impression
Total score (out of 100): _________________
Provide your narrative here (1 page maximum):

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