GNED500 – Social Action Presentation Assignment

GNED500: Social Action Presentation Assignment OutlineStudents are responsible for presenting their social action research and reflection in class. Students will beassessed on their presentation skills and their research of social action initiatives related to their socialproblem. Individually, students will be assessed on their social action reflection using the Self ReflectiveSocial Action Model.Social Action Plan on Impacts of Consumerism on EnvironmentEach social action plan should contain the following components: Social Problem Explanation and Summaryo Briefly define the social program and connect to the course Social Action Self-Reflectiono Using the social problem focus of your social analysis report assignment, complete apersonal social action reflection using the Self- Reflective Social Action Model (pg. 85).The goal is for you to reflect on your own personal understanding and behaviour as itrelates to social action and the concepts of the course.o Start with the center Social Problems box in the model and briefly summarize responsesto the questions from your perspective. Continue the self-reflection by responding toquestions in each section of the model to develop a complete personal reflection on thesocial problem. You do not need to respond to each and every point on the model, you arewriting a reflection that summarizes the main concepts being explored in the course. Feelfree to concentrate on the points that you feel are most relevant to your knowledge andexperience.o Prepare one slide with points from your reflection to be included in the group presentationPower Point which you will present. (One minute per group member) Social Action PresentationEach presentation should contain: A description of the social problem/issue An outline of two social action initiatives which address the social problem One-minute summary of social action self-reflection (one slide) Use of visual aids (i.e. power point, You Tube) Use of interactive presentation techniqueso Creative questioningo Interactive activitiesNOTE: Be sure to reference all material used in the presentation using APA style formatting. Do not copydirectly from sources onto PowerPoint slides. 1

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