Give a brief description of the data set

Use the data provided to assist the social worker to complete the following tasks:1. Give a brief description of the data set which should include: the type of variables, scalesof measurements used and the type of sampling method you would use to derive the data.2. Discuss two possible types of errors that may arise in this research.3. Give a summary of the data using appropriate charts and descriptive statistics and give ashort discussion of what the chart is showing as well as the descriptive statistics.4. The researcher believes that the mean age of first sexual encounter is 15 years old. Test atthe 5% level of significance if this claim is true.5. Create a scatter plot to show the relationship between age of respondents and the numberof sex partners within the past 12 months.6. Do a simple regression on the age of respondents and the number of sex partners withinthe past twelve months and explain the regression. Do indicate the independent and thedependent variables.7. Create a scatter plot to show the relationship between the age of first sexual encounter ofrespondents and number of sex partners within the past 12 months.8. Do a simple regression on the age of first sexual encounter of respondents and thenumber of sex partners within the past twelve months and explain the regression. Doindicate the independent and the dependent variables.9. Test at the 10% level of significance if there is an association between religiousaffiliation and marital status.10. Test at the 5% level of significance if there is an association between gender and alcoholusagAge ofRespondent Respondents #12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 Sex ofRespondents24151615231518182215192117221719172316162020161923171924162319162523412040372638 Age at first SexualEncounter Relationship Status2222222221111111111111111111111222222222 4444144444433333314334433242413442143114 201512131314171849151715151510121513131215141010161213151712131818211616202425 414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970 451843424616363135382631232329182028443226362031402619252649 222222222222222222222211111111 132114121213332214121131123441 171618191912151314141724181819131315191615211217151517101416 PracticeReligion number ofpersons usecondom with in # of persons had Alcohol usagethe last 12sex with last 12 last fourmonthsmonthsweeks1113111412241224101311142114111412312113211222421114201310032031211420131004213421932223111323912023111422332491211420122114122421231014101311242014101411141024 111111122212112222112121221112 121001111022003211101020010510 2311012111321133111110311211111 423444222232444424444433243342

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