GC HLT665 Week 1 Student Agreement to Submit Documentation of Practicum Hours and Preceptor Evaluations of Student

Details:All students are required to sign and submit the “Student Agreement to Submit Documentation of Practicum Hours and Preceptor Evaluations of Practicum Student” form. Students will submit this agreement as an assignment in Week 1, with no point value. This agreement indicates their understanding of the requirements to submit these forms and practicum hour documentation.Student
Agreement to Submit Documentation of Practicum Hours and Preceptor Evaluations
of Practicum StudentAll
Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Science in Nursing with an Emphasis
in Public Health (MSN-PH) students must complete a minimum of 150 practicum
hours to fulfill degree requirements. See the Guidelines for Graduate Field
Experiencesfound at http://www.gcu.edu/College-of-Nursing-and-Health-Care-Professions/Office-of-Field-Experience.php
under the Public Health and MSN Public Health Practicum Guidelines section for
must complete 150 practicum hours before the end of the last day of class.
Students must enter practicum hours in Typhon, have their preceptor approve
those hours, and submit weekly documentation of hours entered in Typhon in the
classroom as an assignment.Students
are to submit a screenshot of their practicum hours entered in Typhon each week
as proof of completing practicum hours.These hours should be approved by the
student’s preceptor. Failure to properly document completed practicum hours
will result in a nonpassing grade, regardless of the actual letter grade
received. Failure to submit documentation will also delay or prevent processing
of student’s diploma. In
addition, each student must submit as an assignment the Midpoint and Final
“Preceptor Evaluation of Practicum Student,” completed by their
preceptor, found in the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiencesunder the
Public Health and MSN Public Health Practicum Guidelines section. The midpoint
and final evaluations document the preceptor’s assessment of the student’s
performance during the practicum. The evaluations must be signed and dated by
the preceptor and the student. Failure to submit this documentation will delay
or prevent processing of the student’s diploma.In
summary, the required documentation and processes include:1. Weekly screenshot of practicum hours
entered in Typhon as proof of completing practicum hours. Hours must be
approved by the student’s preceptor.By the end of the course, the hours
documented must total a minimum of 150 hours. 2. Midpoint Preceptor Evaluation signed
and dated by the preceptor and by the student. Submitted as an assignment in
class.3. Final Preceptor Evaluation signed and
dated by the preceptor and by the student. Submitted as an assignment in class.? I have
read the requirements pertaining to documentation of practicum hours and
Preceptor Evaluations of Practicum Student. I have addressed my questions or
concerns with my instructor and/or the Office of Field Experience. I understand
that failure to comply with these requirements may result in failure to meet degree
requirements, delay or prevent processing of my diploma.(Requires
your actual signature. Use blue or black ink.)
Signature________________________________________ Date________________

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