GC HLT362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment – Hypothesis Testing Excel Worksheet

Details:Refer to the “Visual Learner: Statistics” for
examples to help complete the problems in the “Hypothesis Testing”
worksheet. Also, to aide in the Excel calculations, view the appropriate
section of the Excel tutorials. Answer each question completely in the Excel
worksheet provided.Name: Date:Hypothesis TestingAnswer each question completely to recieve full credit1.There is a new drug that is used to treat leukemia. The
following data represents the remission time in weeks for a random sample of 21
patients using the drug.10 7 32 23 22 6 1611 20 19 6 17 35 610 34 32 25 13 9 6Let X be a random variable representing the remission time
in weeks for all patients using the new drug. Assume that the distribution of x
is normal. A previously used drug treatment has a mean remission time of 12.5
weeks. Does the data indicate that the mean remission time using the new drugis
different from 12.5 week at a level of significance of 0.01?State the Null HypothesisState the Alternatice HypothesisState the Level of significanceState the Test StatisticPerform CalculationsStatistical ConclusionExperimental ConclusionHypothesis TestingAnswer each question completely to recieve full credit.2.We wish to test the claim that the mean body mass index
(BMI) of men is equal to the mean BMI of women. Use the data to the right to
test this claim.State the Null HypothesisState the Alternatice HypothesisState the Level of significanceState the Test StatisticPerform CalculationsStatistical ConclusionExperimental ConclusionMen Women 20 29 37 28 46 20 23 28 20 42 23 45 21 19 15 45 20 16 28 32 27 38 20 45 30 41 22 34 27 28 38 21 29 42 20 21 16 30 27 28 42 30 37 43 39 40 39 16 32 44 16 15 21 16 26 20 17 41
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