For each numbered statement, select the lettered

Section 1. Matching (2 pt each). For each numbered statement, select the lettered item that is most closely related to it and clearly write the letter in the space before each number.A. ACAT G. Glutamate dehydrogenase M. Maple syrup urine diseaseB. Acetyl-CoA H. Glutamine synthetase N. Palmitoyl-CoAC. Ammonia I. HMG-CoA reductase O. PKUD. ATP J. H2O2 P. Propionyl-CoA E. Citrate K. LDL Q. Uric acid F. HDL L. Malonyl-CoA R. VLDL 1. Lipoprotein produced in and secreted from the liver. 2. In born error in metabolism caused by a defect in the phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme. 3. Produced during peroxisomal ?-oxidation but not during mitochondrial ?- oxidation. 4. Only mammalian enzyme capable of using either NAD+ or NADP+ as an electron acceptor. 5. Produced during the oxidation of odd-chain fatty acids and can be used for the synthesis of glucose. 6. Lipoprotein that delivers cholesterol to extra-hepatic tissues. 7. Positive allosteric modifier of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. 8. Rate limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis. 9. Negative allosteric modifier of carnitine acyltransferase I. 10. Nitrogen excretion form in birds.

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