FIU COM3150 Resume Packet assignment

Employment Communication Assignment
Job Search, Letter of Application, Resumé, Interview
Questions, Follow – Up Letter
The red is the summary for the overview—the green link in
box (on overview page) is what is below not highlighted
Many people will submit their resumés in hopes of being
chosen to interview for a particular position; however, those few individuals
who are invited to interview are picked primarily on the basis of the content
and quality of their letter of application, their resumé, and their
professional references.
When you realize the competitive nature of a job search in
the United States, the quality of your communication with the employer acquires
added importance. Your resumé, cover letter, and thank you letter should be
personalized, concise and error free documents that you have designed to
reflect your particular accomplishments and academic and professional
credentials. This assignment consists of five related tasks: • Locate an
existing, advertised full – time, part – time, or internship that is
commensurate with your current skills. • Write a persuasive letter of
application. • Format and write a professional resumé that includes a
professional reference page. • Answer behavioral and situational employment interviews.
• Follow – up an interview with a properly drafted thank you letter. Task 1: Job Search and Position
Announcement Begin this first task as a
new document in MSWord.
Your first task is to find a position that is suitable with
your current education and experience level. This may be a full – time
position, part – time position, or an internship; however, this position must
actually exist and be verifiable.
Once you find a suitable position, copy and paste this
advertisement / job description into an MSWord file and underline or highlight
the specific job qualifications.
Tip 1: Review your Textbook

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