First off let me start by saying that this piece

First off let me start by saying that this piece “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe was so crazy to me. Partially because I didn’t understand majority of the words and also because it had me intrigued. Like I was really wondering what was coming next and thinking like “oh my gosh is this really happening”! So it took me a while to read one is because of the wording but then also I was talking to myself as I was reading it so I had to stop and then get back to reading so that I can actually read what’s going to happen. The two terms that I applied from the “Elements of Fiction” to this piece was falling action and denouement. I think that the falling action was when they (both the Author and Roderick), buried Madeline alive in the house and even when Roderick suspected that he did, he just kept quiet. Which did cause complications in story for them in house as far as Roderick acting different and sacred, and looking as though he had a secret and how the author soon became terrified as well. Then when it comes to the denouement, the final outcome was that Madeline was pretty haunting the house making the noises they heard and eventually ended up killing her brother and bringing down the house, which ended the last of the Usher family.I feel that this piece is very engaging because it does make you want to read more and know what’s going to happen next. I feel that it draws you in and because of the Authors descriptive word choice I feel as though you can also see it as you are reading it. Plus, at the same time I was a little nervous reading it especially towards the end finding out about Madeline! I think that one quote that stands out to me in this piece is when it says “Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror, unaccountable yet unendurable, I threw on my clothes with haste, for it felt that I should sleep no ore during the night, and endeavored to arouse myself from the pitiable condition which I had fallen, by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment” (Baym, 2013, pg. 711). Like when I read that I got kind of scared and really didn’t want to keep reading. I am scared of horror and I’m a very scary person. I don’t even watch scary movies or anything of that nature.Because of the Authors very detailed word choice, suspense and a way to allow the reader to feel so many different emotions; I think this is why this piece has lasted more than 150 years. Like I thought by me first reading this that it wasn’t going to draw my attention, but towards the middle, I feel that it kept me engaged. His story line just makes you want more.

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