Federal Government Taxation System

At the introduction, start with the assumption the Federal Income Tax system is broken.The instruction should focus on a general outline of how the Federal Income Tax system hasbecome broken over years.Than present arguments, backed by facts, economic, opinions, etc. write how the system isbroken, what are the problems within the income tax structure? Please choose more than oneassertion. Equity, Administration, Structure, Transparence, Equity. For the final part, write about the solution to change and improve the Federal Income Tax. Lookon the web and you can see many ideas. Choose the solution that is being used in the worldanywhere else. Is the solution working or is there precedence for it? Make sure you back it upwith economic facts or opinions from people with economic qualifications how it will help makethe system better, especially if the system has not been used before and how would it lead to abetter system? The examples of the solutions could be Flat Tax, Fair Tax, a Value Added Tax andmany others. Please back it up with solid arguments as to how it would improve upon thesystem we have. The solution should address the arguments you made against our income Tax.Thus if you argued inequality or transparency, your solution should address how your systemwill change those assertions into positives. Please try to write it actively and concise to make your opinions and arguments. Pleas providethe citation for this paper. Again, the paper should present the problems in our system, backedup by a solution that solves those problems.

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