fabrication of single use surgery supplies

topic : fabrication of single use surgery supplies ( MECH 311 – Manufacturing Processes)Content of the Formal Report:The topic chosen should be searched in references on magazines and journals as well as on the internet.A minimum of 15 references must be consulted out of which 6 must be printed information in books,journals or magazines. All the references must be cited in the text and listed at the end of the report alongwith the call number of the library and library name (if other than Concordia). The full web site addressmust be also provided.In general, the format of the report shall follow the guidelines given in course ENGR 281, as far asarrangement of the text, figures and pictures, references, etc. is concerned.The length of the report must range between 6 and 8 pages (1200 to 1600 words) excluding figures,references, table of contents, abstract (max 150 words), title page. A list to the recommended order ofpages is shown on the web site.No verbatim copying or citing from references is permitted! The subject matter contained inreferences must be completely rewritten in student’s own expressions, on a level understood by secondyear mechanical engineers students. All specialized “lingo” and “shop talks” as it often appears intechnical articles, must either be eliminated or explained in text.The maximum length of 1600 words of text must be strictly adhered to. Any report submitted exceedingthe limit will be devaluated by at least 10%.A good copy of the original report must be submitted in binders (available in the bookstore). The student(to be shown upon request) must retain the original.While preparing the report, please make sure that you respect all the listed requirements such that youwould avoid losing grades by ignoring the stated rules.

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