Essentials of Business Ethics and the Ethical Challenges

Read Chapter 9 in both the Essentials of Business Ethics and the Ethical Challenges of Leader ship text books.Download and review the PowerPoint presentation, Chapter 9.ppt.View the video “Patagonia: Human Resource Management.”As you read and view these resources, think about how the underlying values and beliefs of some organization which you are familiar with drive and affect the behavior of members of that organization.Read Case Study 9.1 on pp. 355-357 of the Ethical Challenges of Leadership textbook.Write an 800- to 1000-word research paper that addresses the following issues:What should be the elements of a zero-policy ethics policy?What, if any, of these elements are missing at Siemens Global?Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.Evaluate Siemens Global’s efforts to root out corruption.What other steps, if any, do you recommend the organization should take?Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.How can Siemens move beyond compliance to develop a healthy ethical climate? Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.Support your positions with at least six references from scholarly sources….e proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting for your analysis paper. (Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper.)

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