Education 1300 – Define the career or career interest

write an essay and PowerPoint for career project Education 1300 with those requirements: Questions: 1. Define the career or career interest. what is the specific career choice. 2. what are the qualifications for most jobs in this field? is there a professional exam. what is the typical starting salary ? determine the annual salary needeed to maintain a desired standard of living ( texas reality check) explain if you will be able to live comfortably with the salary you will earn . 3 determine the median salary and job outlook for this career field. ( http//.…./) 4. compare the cost of living in Houston to others cities- CNN money cost of living calculator & explain how Houston compares to the cost of living in other cities. 5. consider the skill you will acquire in training for your proposed field. then locate three volunteer organizations or charities in Houston and Explain how could use those skills to serve the community http// volunteermactch…. . 6. Explain how your personality dominant multiple intelligence , learning style and your prefered learning theorist perspective relate to your career choice. 7. How many hours can you expect t work per week in this field? 8. list and explain two positive and two negative aspects of this career. 9. where are most jobs in this field located geographically ? ( not only in the state of Texas) 10. what are some of the major companies /organizations that hire peoplev in this career field. 11. what professional organization can you join within your chosen career? list 3

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