Dunn’s Emporium Experiences Growth

Dunn’s Emporium Experiences GrowthDunn’s Emporium is going gangbusters and George who owns the deli next door is getting ready to retire. Dunn is in the process of acquiring The Deli. Although most of the local long-time employees at Dunn’s and The Deli have been on board with the merger some employees have never been happy.The Deli people did not trust the new ice cream manager because of his age. Fresh out of culinary school, John Levitz, at age 22 became the ice cream manager. Ice cream was one of The Deli’s biggest iconic menu offerings. The ice cream is homemade and The Deli offers a special flavor each week. John has big ideas in expanding the ice cream business by having classes and opportunities for customers to make their own flavors. He is passionate about his job but sometimes rubs the older employees the wrong way. He can be arrogant about his skill. He thinks he is being confident. The chef at The Deli is jealous of the newcomer because he has wanted to change the menu for some time. He thinks that George’s retirement will be the demise of his dreams because the new General Manager that is working with George is not on board with innovation. His attitude is “if isn’t broken don’t fix it.” However, the new General Manager tells Dunn and George that he is happy with making changes.Dunn’s sporting goods has had a change of employment as well and a new group of South American immigrants has come to work at the Emporium. Dunn is impressed with the wonderful skills of the workers as they display outstanding repair work and the group’s work ethic as seen by their willingness to work long hours during the ski season is impressive. Dunn’s long term employees agree that the new employees are a good addition to the staff but find working with the group hard because they are not able to understand Spanish and sometimes it creates problems in communicating order information. Also, the group tends to stick together. They even eat lunch together despite attempts by the other employees to get them to join in with the rest of the group. There seems to be a growing frustration on the part of the original group. What neither the original employees nor Dunn know is that because of the language barrier the new South American employees are apprehensive about being included in the group because they cannot speak English well and do not know how to break the language barrier. What the original employees do not know as well is that Esteban Enrique has asked to be promoted to the vacancy as head of the second shift in the repair shop. Dunn has concerns that if Estaban is promoted that it might be hard to keep the cohesiveness of the group. He is especially concerned because his nephew who works the evening shift during the off season would like the job. In short, Dunn has to revisit his organizational structure, culture and vision to make the changes necessary to prevent future problems with the business. Further, he hasn’t told anyone but he wants to put in new software to monitor the staff hours, payroll, and business sales. It will make information gathering much easier but will require some staff scheduling changes and authority delegation.Purpose:In assignment 3, the saga of Joseph Dunn’s leadership at Dunn’s Ski Emporium and The Deli continues. George Atkins is getting ready to retire and Dunn has prepared for a clean transition. Dunn has hired you as a consultant to help create the transition organization.Students will analyze the case study and then write a consultancy report applying concepts and ideas learned throughout the course. Students are expected to effectively use a wide range of the course readings in completing the paper, which means the course readings are used to support ideas and reasoning rather than as stand-alone statements.The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, students will learn how to write a consultancy report and second, students will link the concepts of Dunn as a social architect, change agent, and individual to Dunn as a relationship builder.Outcomes Met:develop and implement methods for establishing a constructive organizational structure and culture that fosters positive employee and employer relationshipsassess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices Perspective: Students will act as a consultant hired to help Dunn address his role as a relationship builder. Interface the plan you created in Assignment #1- The Role of a Leader, with Dunn’s need to address the potential threats to workforce harmony. Emphasize his role as leader and what he can do to build a relationship with his employees so that he empowers his managers and workforce to implement his vision for the company. Students are expected to be realistic in applying the concepts from the course to expand Dunn’s environment and leadership role. Remember that in order to determine strategic direction, the leader must look inward, outward, forward and beyond.Instructions:Step 1: Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 4 Content.Step 2: Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced, double spaced between paragraphs, 12-point font. The final product will be between 6-8 pages in length excluding the title page and the reference page.Step 3: Review the assignment grading rubric.Step 4: Follow this format:Title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name;Use the following format found in this document: Use headings such as those provided in the Outline for the Consultancy Report.Step 5: In writing a case study, the writing is in the third person. What this means is that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: http://www.quickanddirtytips…./education/grammar/first-second-and-third-personStep 6: In writing this assignment, students are asked to support the reasoning using in-text citations and a reference list. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. View the sample APA paper under Week 1 content.Step 7: In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes. Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this link: https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.htmlStep 8: Read critically and analyze the scenario provided under Week 8 Content.Step 9: Jot down or highlight key facts from the scenario. Consider making an outline to capture key points in the paper.Step 10: In your paper, respond to the following elements of leadership and plan design:In your paper, respond to the following elements of the consultant’s report:Discuss the history of the companies before and after the merger to the present (including discussion of present status of businesses);Identify and discuss the consultant’s observations regarding Dunn’s role as social architect in the business’ future;Identify and discuss the consultant’s observations regarding Dunn’s 21st century leadership challenges (change, diversity, knowledge management etc.) currently in the business;Have the consultant draw conclusions based on the case facts and readings from the observations of Dunn’s role as social architect;Have the consultant draw conclusions based on the case facts and readings from the observations Dunn’s leadership challenges;Make recommendations for Dunn on both areas based on the conclusions as to how Dunn can meet his social architect role and leadership challenges;Step 11: Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.Step 12: Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing….e the spell and grammar check in Word as a first measure;Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof the paper; Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvementI. Title PageTitle of ReportIntroduction to ReportName of ClientII. Executive SummarySummary of the background and findingsIII. Background (Sections)Introduction to Sections.List each section with its corresponding letter label (C, D, E, etc.) of the sections discussed in the background.IV. Client ProfilePlaces of businessEducational and training backgroundCareer experienceCivic interests and activitiesHow and why your client became interested in this businessYour client’s business philosophy and/or attitude towards businessAny other information that contributes to a portrait of your client as a personV. Defining the Dunn’s ObjectivesA description of Dunn’s short-term and long-term objectivesPrioritization of primary and secondary objectives for DunnVI. Consultant’s ObservationsSocial architectLeadership challengesVII. Consultant’s RecommendationsSocial architectLeadership challengesVIII. SummaryA. Summary of conclusionsB. Summary of recommendationsIX. Bibliography (“Bibliography” or “Works Cited”)EXPLANATION OF THE OUTLINE MATERIALI. Title PageThe title page of a formal report works in collaboration with the cover page to provide a solidintroduction to the consulting report. Your report will certainly have a sense ofpermanence; it will likely be filed and periodically reviewed and consulted. Therefore, the titlepage should include specific information regarding the report:• Names of the consultant including contact information and the name ofthe organization you’re working within.• A very good and specific title that reflects, as much as possible, the main points of thereport• The name of the consulting business or organization if appropriateII. Executive SummaryAn executive summary is designed primarily to serve the person who, at least initially, does notintend to read the entire report. It usually states the main points of each section and emphasizesresults, conclusions, and recommendations, usually in around three pages.Executive summaries are ideally suited to the needs of readers who are seeking advice about a decision or a course of action. These summaries are called executive summaries because some decision makers rely wholly upon their advisors to read and evaluate the rest of the report.For the purposes of this assignment, the executive summary concentrates on the consultant’s conclusions and recommendations. This would involve summarizing the problem/opportunity, conclusions, and recommendations. It’s not a bad idea to develop an executive summary during the early stages of the writing process, as this summary can help to provide focus to the conclusions and recommendations. Keep in mind, however, that this will also be a document that will need to be revised to properly reflect your report.III. BackgroundThe Background Section should reflect the history of the businesses.IV. Client ProfileThe purpose of the Client Profile is to both “bring the client to life” and to tie the informationtogether by explaining how it helps portray your client as a member of the business community.Do not hesitate to interpret information and to draw conclusions. If your client is a group ofpeople of whom your contact person is a member, you may want to treat the group as a“collective client.” Do a profile of the group as a whole (for example, the history and makeup of agoverning board.)Some things that you will want to include in the Client Profile:• Places of business• Business philosophy• Career experience• How and why your client became interested in this business• Any other information that contributes to a portrait of your clientV. Defining the Dunn’s ObjectivesThis section should include:• A description of the firm’s short-term and long-term objectives• Prioritization of primary and secondary objectivesVI. The Consultant’s Observations and ConclusionsThis section should clearly describe the observations and conclusions on the social architect and leadership challenges for DunnVII. The Consultant’s RecommendationsThis section should clearly describe the recommendations of the consultant based on the conclusions made.Important Note: The organization of the conclusion and recommendation section should be marked by clear headings and subheadings. Also, this is a good time to reflect back on the research that your team conducted. Your ideas should not appear as if they developed out of “thin air.” Use sentences that point your reader back to the research that conducted by the consultant.VIII. Summary ConclusionThis final section pulls the report together, offers some words of assurance to the client, andstates the consultants (I hope) pleasure in having undertaken this consulting project. In pulling the report together, carefully summarize your findings and what you see as the prospects for yourclient’s business.IX. Bibliography“Bibliography” or “Works Cited” – call this section what you want. Whatever the case, you mustlist all resources that you used for this report. Therefore, it is imperative that you keep track of allthe sources that your team used in the report. Furthermore, in the text of the report you must cite your sources whenever you use ideas or data generated by someone else. You must cite these sources, even if you do not quote or paraphrase from them directly.

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