Duke Ellington, One of America’s Great Composers

Using a minium of (3) scholarly sources and cites them within the paper using MLA or APA style (double spaced)MUS 110CLResearch Paper – QEP AssignmentGuidelines and RubricEach student, in consultation with the instructor, will choose a musical repertoire or genre and prepare a Research Paper and Presentation. How does the repertoire you’ve chosen relate to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity? Bear in mind that while lyrics and performance are important, you must address musical issues as well. Cite 3-4 scholarly articles using MLA style formatting as your resources for the background paper.Provide a listening example of the genre that can be played by your classmates. Include lyrics, if your music has lyrics, and some guide or explanation of the music itself that guides the listeners through the performance. Videos found online may be used if the video enhances or explains the music in some way. If a video of the performance is used, a listening guide should be provided as well.Submit your Research Paper Topic to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 2.Submit your Research Paper to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)In addition to the Research Paper, you will also be creating a presentation (including a playlist) for your fellow classmates to read and hear. In the Module 7 Discussion Board, you will post a brief description of your project and attach the Research Paper and Presentation (including music sample). Then, read at least two of your classmates’ presentations, listen to their music samples, and post your comments.Write a brief description of your Research Paper and post the Research Paper and Presentation (with listening examples) no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7.Post a substantive review, taking in account the QEP grading rubric for this assignment, to at least two other classmates’ Research Papers no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 8.Grading Rubric:Elements Criteria Not Evident Beginning Developing Competent Purpose Clearly identifies main issue(s), problem(s), or intention(s). 0 6 8 10 Perspective Investigates point(s) of view and assumptions. 0 6 8 10 Evidence Supports purpose with relevant, sufficient evidence and defines concepts. 0 6 8 10 Analysis Analyzes the consequences and implications of reasoning. 0 6 8 10 Core Values Addresses core value(s) specifically and demonstrates their relevance. 0 6 8 10 Decision Making States the various options of decision making and chooses a solution. 0 6 8 10 Grammar and Organization Uses good grammar and organizes the paper in a consistent and logical way. 0 6 8 10 Choice of appropriate topic Chooses a topic that can be examined in a scholarly way that goes beyond a basic biography or playlist. 0 6 8 10Uses appropriate sources and cites them correctly Uses a minimum of three scholarly sources and cites them within the paper using MLA or APA style. 0 6 8 10 Class Presentation Presents the topic using engaging visuals, appropriate musical examples, and relevant information . 0 6 8 10Total Points (out of 100)___The Saint Leo University Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) develops

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