Devry NR512 Weeks 4 Scavenger Hunt in Second Life Assignment

NR512Weeks 3 and 4 Scavenger Hunt in Second LifeAssignmentGuidelines with Scoring RubricPurposeThis assignment is designed to help students: Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will follow the VLE Course Guide by clicking on the link (″> found in Course Resources. Follow the tabs in the VLE for explanations of course assignments and documents needed to complete the activities. This guide helps the student navigate through the steps to complete Week 3 and 4 Scavenger hunt activities using the Scavenger Hunt Worksheet.Course OutcomesThrough this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability.(CO 2) Demonstrate synthesis of nursing and non-nursing science with information and computer technologies. (PO 1, 11)(CO 5) Explore the roles, competencies and skills associated with nursing informatics while collaborating as part of the healthcare team. (PO 2, 11)(CO 7) Explore trends and issues in NI and their impact on nursing practice in all domains (PO 9, 11)Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4.Total Points Possible: 200Second Life (SL) Scavenger Hunt ResponsibilitiesFollowing the VLE Orientation Guide for SL – Tabs 3 and 4Week 3 and Week 4 – Scavenger Hunt Students should have viewed the Orientation video, created their account and avatar and gone through the Orientation Area. Week 3 and Week 4 log into Second Life to complete the Scavenger Hunt activities listed below. The assignment will be completed in Second Life by the end of week 4.Student Responsibilities:1. Go to the assigned web site for Second Life listed in your course materials and follow all of the directions to access Second Life. Follow the VLE Guide provided in Course Resource.The Scavenger Hunt:Locate and download a copy of the Scavenger Hunt worksheet in your course web page or you can download it from the link at the top of this page. You will be logging into Second Life to complete this task.2. As students complete each station in the Scavenger Hunt, they are to write answers to the questions on the worksheet provided.3. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt4. Upload the worksheet to the Dropbox in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. 5. Understand that the time your avatar is present in Second Life is recorded and this information can be reviewed by faculty and Second Life mentors.6. You will always log out of Second Life when your session is complete.Orientation to Second Life ActivitiesCategoryPossible PointsPercentageDescriptionStation 1: Total Points= 20Go to the Hospital/Urgent Care Center and find the ANA Code of Ethics book in the Medical Library; click and get the web link to .nursingworld…./”>www.nursingworld….. Select from Provision 1, 2, or 3; Bring content from the Provision you selected – discuss and report on the Provision you selected here. cite in proper APA format including referenceDiscuss which provision.510%Why you selected.10Cite in proper APA format including reference.5Station 2: Total Points= 30Go to the City Government building and locate the mayor. Click on him to get information about a federal hurricane disaster plan. Answer these 3 questions: Where will this plan be used? Who will oversee the plan? Where was it used most recently in 2013? Take picture/”selfie” with the mayor. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page. Where will this plan be used?515%Who will oversee the plan?5Where was it used most recently in 2013? 10Copy and paste your selfie photo in the box on the next page.10Station 3: Total Points= 30Find the board room in the Hospital Administration Building. Click on the CEO to receive information on a new cardiac wing. Answer these two questions: Who is the donor and what are the two next steps for hospital board project?Who is the donor?1015%What are the two next steps for hospital board project?20Station 4: Total Points= 30Locate the Smartroom in the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Find the patient sitting on the exam table; complete hand washing prior to interacting with the patient. – assess the patient for newly diagnosed pre-hypertension. Click on the blood pressure cuff to get his blood pressure. What is your patient’s BP? Now click on your patient to get answers to the following questions: What is your diet? How many times a week do you exercise?Complete hand washing prior to interacting with the patient.7.515%What is your patient’s BP?7.5What is your diet? 7.5How many times a week do you exercise?Cite in proper APA format including reference.7.5Station 5: Total Points= 30Go to the patient room on the first floor of the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Observe the patient in bed hooked up to an EKG. Click on EKG machine and determine whether the EKG finding is a normal or abnormal reading only. If an abnormal reading who and what would you do next – remember you are not the primary provider) (Reference the basic nursing text you used to support your answer). Correct APA citationGo to the patient room on the first floor of the Hospital/ Urgent Care building.515%Click on EKG machine and determine whether the EKG finding is a normal or abnormal reading.5If abnormal reading who/what would you do next – you are not the primary provider?Cite in proper APA format including reference.20Station 6: Total Points= 30Go to City Government Building. Find the infectious disease department in the Public Health Office. Find the representative who most likely would be in charge of any Zika virus outbreak in the community. Click on the representative to get the web link to the CDC office providing oversight for Zika. Identify the correct type of mosquito and list three symptoms indicating infection. What test is required for diagnosis and what are the vaccine options? Include Reference with correct APA citationFind the infectious disease department in Public Health Office.515%Click on the representative to get the web link to the CDC office providing oversight for Zika.5Identify the correct type of mosquito and list three symptoms indicating infection.10What test is required for diagnosis?5What are the vaccine options?Cite in proper APA format including reference.5Station 7: Total Points= 30Go to the Education classroom in the Hospital Administration Building; Take photo standing beside title slide only of PowerPoint presentation; Copy and paste your photo in the worksheet in the box on the next page.Go to the Education classroom in the Hospital Admin Building.1015%Take photo standing beside title slide only of PowerPoint presentation.10Copy and paste your photo in the worksheet.10Total200100%A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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