DeVry GSP115 Week 7 Assignment latest 2015

Week 7: Scope and
the following assignments. Copy and paste your finished code into a Word
document, clearly identifying which assignment it is. Also, capture the output
of the program and paste that into the Word document. If there are questions to
be answered, put the answers after the output. When you complete all three of
this week’s assignments, save the document as yourLastName_GSP115_W7_Assignments.docx.
Submit to the Week 7 assignment Dropbox.1. Debugging ChallengeYou
should be busy designing and writing your expansion to the Course Project, so
this week’s assignment will be a debugging challenge. We have revised the slot
machine code to make the payouts easier to change, but a lot of bugs were
created in the process—both compile time and run-time bugs. Your job is to get
the code running correctly. As before, the code may look like it’s working but
could still have the occasional bug that only rarely shows up. You will only be
held responsible for bugs that cause a problem that can be detected. All other
bugs will be declared as features or somebody else’s problemin honor of an age-old
computer game development tradition.Here
are some clues.·
You shouldn’t see any blank symbols.·
There are only three bugs.This
version of the slot machine gets its payout table from a text file. The text
file is a series of four numbers, such as 2, 2, 2, and 10. The first three are
symbol numbers, and they match the enum numbers. In this case, 2 is Orange. The
last number is the payout, so the set of numbers can be interpreted as Orange,
Orange, Orange pays out 10. As a result, you can change the pay out by changing
the table. However, to save space, payouts for the Cherry are hard coded in to
the check4Win function. This was a short cut, but the Cherry payouts could have
been set in the text file. In case you haven’t already figured it out, you will
need to create the text file and put it in the same folder as your main.cpp
file. Here is a copy of the text in the text file this program was tested with.0
0 0 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 2 15 3 3 3 20 4 4 4 40 5 5 5 200 4 4 2 25 4 4 3 30Here
is the code.// Week 7 Assignment-1// Description://———————————-//**begin #include
files************#include// provides access
to cin and cout#include#include#include#include#include//–end of #include
files———–//———————————-usingnamespacestd;//———————————-//**begin global
constants**********// number of positions on a
reel (10)constintreelPositions = 11;// create enum for symbolsenum symbol{ Lemon, Cherry, Orange, Bell, Bar, Jackpot};// define a struct for slot
machine wheelstruct Wheel{ array symbols; arrayeSymbols; int
position; string selected;};//–end of global
constants———//———————————-//**begin function
prototypes*******voidloadWinSheet(vector >&);int check4Win(vector , vector >&,int);//void
createSlotMachine(array &);//–end of function
prototypes——//———————————-//**begin main
program**************int main(){ // seed random number generator srand(time(NULL)); // create the payout table // define a vector for the payout table vector>winSheet; loadWinSheet(winSheet); //create an array of three slot machine wheels arrayslotMachine = { { { {“Orange”,”Cherry”,”Orange”,”Lemon”,”Orange”,”Bar”,”Lemon”,”Bell”,”Jackpot”,”Bell”}, {Orange, Cherry, Orange, Lemon,
Orange, Bar, Lemon, Bell, Jackpot, Bell}, 0,”Orange” }, { {“Bell”,”Lemon”,”Orange”,”Bar”,”Jackpot”,”Bar”,”Lemon”,”Cherry”,”Jackpot”,”Bell”}, {Bell, Lemon, Orange, Bar, Jackpot,
Bar, Lemon, Cherry, Jackpot, Bell}, 1,”Lemon” }, { {“Cherry”,”Lemon”,”Bar”,”Lemon”,”Orange”,”Orange”,”Lemon”,”Cherry”,”Jackpot”,”Bell”}, {Cherry, Orange, Bar, Lemon, Orange,
Orange, Lemon, Cherry, Jackpot, Bell}, 3,”Bar” } } }; boolgameOn
=true; intthePot
= 100; bet = 1; bool
winner =false; int
winnings = 0; charcheckKey
=’n’; vector combo; cout<<“Hit ‘enter’ to bet. Hit ‘space’ and ‘enter’ toquit.”< 0) cout<<“You win “<< winnings<<“! “; thePot += winnings; cout<<“You now have $”< 0) cout<<“Good bye.”<>&pT){ stringstreammyStream; ifstreaminFile; stringmyString; array combo; int
pay;“paytable.txt”); if
(inFile.is_open()) { while ( getline (inFile,myString) ) { myStream<> combo[0] >> combo[1] >>
combo[2] >> combo[3]; pT.push_back(combo); } return;}// Check for winning patternsint check4Win(vector pattern, vector
>&pT,inttheBet){ for(auto p: pT) { if (((pattern[0] == p[0]) && (pattern[1] == p[1]) )
&& (pattern[2] == p[2]))return p[3]; if ((pattern[1] == Cherry) && (pattern[2] ==
Cherry))return 3; if (pattern[2] == Cherry)return 1; } return
-theBet;}//–end of function definitions——

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