Describe police use of discretion and factors

answer the following questions with 3-4 sentences.Describe police use of discretion and factors that influence discretion when dealing with juveniles. Include at least five factors in your response. Discuss and describe the significance of the Supreme Court rulingin re Gault.(a) Explain the differences in female and male delinquency, including differences in socialization. Include recent trends in your response. (b) Discuss how the juvenile justice system might treat girls differently than boys. Include in your answer a definition of the chivalry hypothesis. What is a gang? Briefly discuss the history of gangs. Discuss at least four reasons why a juvenile might choose to join a gang.Discuss the legal rights of juveniles during the police investigation and court process. Hint: Think of the legal rights adults have during these processes. Do juveniles have the same rights? Do parents/attorneys need to be present during custodial interrogation? Why or why not? You will need to identify at least four rights in your response, including custodial interrogation. Discuss the intake process. Be specific.Discuss the Supreme Court CaseNew Jersey v T.L.O. What is the significance of this case? Do you agree or disagree with this ruling? Why or why not?A fifteen year old juvenile is arrested and charged with burglary, rape, and murder. Would you charge him as an adult? Why or why not? What Supreme Court casesays that he can be charged as an adult? If charged as an adult can he be sentenced to death? Why or why not?

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