Dartmouth ACC 221 – How MIS supports a business organization

4. Course report(*Note: Course report and technical assignment are two totally different things. There is no relation between the course report and the technical assignment!)The objective of the course report is to understand the concept of computerized information systems for business, including hardware, software, data, procedures, and users, the enabled business processes, and opportunities of the applications of information technology for business.You choose one of the following two themes for your course report.Theme-A: How MIS supports a business organization which you are familiar with.If you are working for an organization, or you are familiar with an organization, this theme is ideal for this course. The instructor encourages every student to choose this theme if it is feasible. You may not use sensitive or confidential information of the organization, even not the real name of the organization, for this course report, but use your experiences and observations to make a business case to obtain deeper understanding of MIS for business beyond the textbook and classroom.If you choose this theme, please watch the video clip for an example posted on this course site.Theme-B: How this introductory MIS course will make you a more valuable employee in the future.While Theme-A is the recommended theme for this course because it allows you to think about MIS for the really business world, you are allowed to choose Theme-B if you do not have work experience, and are not particularly familiar with any organization.4.1. Course report proposal:Each student must submit a typed course report proposal by the deadline. The proposal should not be longer than 1 page typed – 1.5 spaced. It describes the idea of course report so that the instructor can provide feedback. The approved proposal, along with the instructor’s comments (no grading), will be returned to the student with comments a day later.4.2. Course report:Each student must submit a course report at the final class. The report text is typically 7-10 pages (excluding appendices and other support material), 1.5 spaced (exclusive of the title page, diagrams, and appendices). The text must be typed. All diagrams (if any) should be drawn using computer tools.Guidelines for major contents of report are given as follows.Theme-A:(1) Title page? Title of the course report? Student name(2) Text? Introduction (company’s background – no confidential information)? Overview of the business processes? Diagram for the business process (see examples in the textbook, e.g., the flowcharts on page 91, for business processes)? Descriptions of the information system(Follow the five components: hardware, software, data, computerized business process, and people. Please note that the hardware and software should include computer networks as discussed in Chapter 5)? Values of the MIS for strategic competitiveness of the organization (i.e., MIS alignment with the business strategies; tangible and intangible benefits of the system)? Issues of the MIS in the organization (Usability, reliability, information quality, ethics, security, global, cultural, user training, etc.)? Opportunities of the applications of information technology (devices and software systems) to improve the MIS and your recommendations for the organization.(3) Appendices? Samples of business processes, if any? Samples of useful supporting material, if any? Hardware specifications and software screenshots samples? Others.Theme-B:The contents of a course report with this theme could be diversified. Possible topics could be, but are not limited to, the following.? The best part you learned from this course for your career.? The most exciting part of this course that encourages you to learn more about it in the future.? How MIS is particularly relevant to your major (e.g., Account, Marketing, Finance, etc.).(This part is the core for your report. You may want to discuss information systems for in your field, job skills related to MIS, MIS enabled business processes in your field, and other key issues of MIS in your field. You need to demonstrate integrative and creative thinking.)? Why MIS is critical for the next generation of business people.A guideline for the organization of report with this theme is given as follows.(1) Title page? Title of the course report? Student name(2) Text? Introduction (overview of your topics)? Report body(The structure depends on your topics of your report, but you must organize the report body in sections.)- First section. . . .- Last section? Conclusion? References if any (such as web sites, other articles…)

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