Criteria for Artist Research Paper

Criteria for Artist Research Paper (4 pages)1. Title Page to include: Your name, class, dateName of chosen artist 2. Paper should include but is not limited to the following: A biography of the artist—born, died.Where did they live?What was the person like?What was their art background (education)?Who or what influenced the artist’s work?What was the art movement the artist worked in?Describe the aspects of the art movement.Example: “Post-Impressionism was both an extension of Impressionism and a rejectionof its limitations. Post-Impressionists continued using vivid colors, thick application ofpaint, distinctive brushstrokes and real-life subject matter, just like impressionism butthey were more inclined to emphasize geometric forms, to distort form for expressiveeffect, and to use unnatural or arbitrary color. Did they have an impact on the art world or history in general? Any major contributions?Media and techniques they worked in (acrylics, oils, graphite, sculpture medium, etc.)A general description of their work.*Include a well-known example.A PARAGRAPH on your personal opinion of the artist’s work. Explain WHY. Don’t just say, “I like itbecause it’s pretty.” That doesn’t tell me anything, and if you do that, you will not receive creditfor this section. Be specific- use examples from the artist’s work to explain your reasoning.A Bibliography to include a minimum of three sources. Resources: The following are links to lists of artists to help you select one as your research topic.http://arthistory.about…./library/artists/blnames_main.htmhttp://www.artcyclopedia…./mostpopular.html The following links provide helpful sources for your research.http://www.artlex…./http://www.jstor…./http://besthistorysites…./art-history/ The following link provides information regarding citations. (You must have a minimum of 3.)

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