COMMUNICAT 2206-Writing Assignment 2

Once Upon a Time: Writing Assignment 2 Chapter 6Assignment DirectionsImagine that you are an author writing a short story focused on the types of nonverbal communication. These types of nonverbal communication include:Face and EyesPostureGesturesTouchVoiceDistanceTerritorialityTimePhysical AttractivenessClothingPhysical environmentBased on this information, write a one-page short story (double-spaced with 10-12 point font) which includes at least three characters. In it, include five channels of nonverbal communication used by the characters (see details below).In your fictional story, decide who does what to whom and when. Include a beginning, middle and ending to the story. Provide situational specificity in your explanation by explaining the time period and geographic location of the setting and the specific situation the characters are in.Examples of possible themes:A batter, umpire and manager argue over a called third strike;A bride, groom and the officiating member of the clergy in a wedding ceremony; A mom, her son and the pediatrician at the boy’s first annual check-up;A state trooper, a teen-age driver, and his girlfriend after being pulled over for allegedly speeding; and A judge, the prosecuting attorney and the defendant in a judicial cross-examination.Write the story according to the directions. StoryIn your story, name, define and incorporate at least five different channels of nonverbal communication into your fictional story involving at least three characters.There are two ways to successfully incorporate the concepts. The first is to name and define them in the story itself, as part of the story. This will make the whole paper, story and analysis, 2-4 pages long. The second is to write a VERY short story (1/2 to 1 page) and then analyze each of the concepts in the story at the end. This will make the analysis 2-3 pages long and the story about 1?2 to 1 page long.Name and define all channels of nonverbal communicationThe paper should also be proofread, and mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting andother areas of paper mechanics should be kept to a minimum.Include a complete introduction to the paper that includes a thesis statement introducing the main ideas ofthe paper. Organize the body of the paper into main ides that fit with your thesis statement. Include aconclusion to the paper that reviews and summarizes the paper.Include proper in-text citations in either APA or MLA format; be certain that you include the textbookdefinitions of the concepts you use and that you cite these definitions correctly. A works cited or reference page should be included at the end of your paper.

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