Colorado MKT 310 – Marketing Plan for an Existing Company

Option #2: Marketing Plan for an Existing Company; Promotion in a New CountryYour final portfolio for the class will be to create a marketing plan for an existing company of your choice. The marketing plan will introduce and promote an existing product in a new country. You must address all of the points required in Option 1, but do so in a PowerPoint presentation in a bulleted format.Suggested slide setup and number of slides (25 slides):TitleExecutive SummaryCompany OverviewStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities (trends)ThreatsMarketing Plan ObjectivesSegmentationTarget MarketPositioning MapProduct (features and benefits versus the competition)Price (compared with competition)Price StrategyPromotional StrategyPlace StrategyBrand StrategyCSR StrategyEthical/Legal FactorsFinancial ProjectionsImplementation PlanEvaluation & Control MetricsConclusionReferencesOther:The following are requirements for your portfolio project:15-20 PowerPoint slides in the body of the presentation. Estimated page counts are listed above in each section….e APA format for references!Please use plenty of headings and sub-headings according toCSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Develop full paragraphs and full sentences.Apply marketing models, theory, terminology, and concepts throughout the plan.A minimum of 6 references(in addition to course materials like the textbook or articles). At least 2 of these being peer-reviewed articles.The CSU-Global Library is a good place to search for credible, scholarly sources.READ THE PORTFOLIO PROJECT RUBRIC IN DETAIL(pre-loaded into the course website). Note that there are additional aspects that need to be addressed, such as applying critical thinking.

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