CJ 506-Conceptions of Deviant Behavior-The Old and New,

1. Conceptions of Deviant Behavior: The Old and New, Jack P. Gibbs2. Using an Integrated Typology of Deviance to Analyze Ten Common Norms of the U.S. Middle Class, Alex Heckert, Druann Maria Heckert 3. Moral Entrepreneurs: The Creation and Enforcement of Deviant Categories, Howard S. BeckerThe Production of Deviant Categories and Actors4. Blowing Smoke: Status Politics and the Shasta County Smoking Ban, Justin L. Tuggle, Malcolm D. Holmes 5. The Production of Deviance in Capitalist Society, Steven Spitzer6. The Discovery of Hyperkinesis: Notes on the Medicalization of Deviant Behavior, Peter ConradPoints Possible: 20Deliverable Length: 2-3 pagesAnswer in Q/A formatAnswer two questions:1. The Heckert article proposes a typology of deviance with four categories. Define each of the four categories, making sure to provide specific examples of deviant behavior for each. Also, which of the four types do you think covers most deviant behavior in society. If there is no dominant type among the four, why do you think this is so?2. Howard S. Becker describes moral entrepreneurs as crusading reformers, of which there are two groups: rule creators and rule enforcers; the goal of these entrepreneurs is to influence the process by which behavior is defined and reacted to as deviant. Summarize the importance of creators and enforcers for deviance-labeling. Assess the impact of both groups in society’s changing reaction to public tobacco use in the last twenty years. Include a brief analysis of moral entrepreneur interview findings from the Tuggle and Holmes smoking ban article. 3. According to Steven Spitzer, in capitalist society groups of deviants are “produced” as a reflection of the working classes disturbance or hindrance of the capitalist economic function (that is, to make more and larger profits for the owning classes). List and briefly discuss the five situations because of which “populations become generally eligible for management as deviant” in Spitzer’s view.4. Peter Conrad writes of the “discovery” of hyperkinesis among children. Explain the importance of medical diagnosis for the labeling of such as deviant and therefore in need of social control.

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