CCJ 4623-Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

There is one 3-5 page (excluding title page and reference page) paper due on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 at 11:59pm EST.Begin working on your paper now………You don’t need an abstract or running header.But you do need: title page, 3 – 5 page body, and reference page.You are to write an academic paper describing and evaluating this topic:Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)Physical design approaches for combating and preventing crime has its roots in architectural design in the 1950s–1970s. It has been argued that changing the physical design of a community, home, or business could affect crime in a variety of ways.At a minimum, you will need to address:What is CPTED?Discuss the origin of CPTED from Oscar Newman’s concept of”defensive space,”Trace the evolution of CPTED from1st generation through3rd generation development,andExamine the existing evidence of physical design on crime prevention

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