BUL 2137- Which of the following is true of the provisions

9. Which of the following is true of the provisions under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?A) The act provides a private right of action for individuals to sue covered entities for alleged violations. B) The act exempts an employer from complying with other federal laws such as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). C) The act permits a covered entity to use and disclose protected health information without an individual’s authorization for law enforcement activities pursuant to court orders and/or subpoenas. D) The act supersedes state privacy laws in cases where it provides lesser privacy protections or limited individual rights than the state laws.Answer: _______10. Salim has been an employee of Firewood Heavy Equipment for the past seven months. His wife was recently diagnosed with cancer and needs to undergo surgery. Salim asks his supervisor, Harris, for four to six weeks of leave pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) for his wife’s surgery and rehabilitation. Which of the following holds true in this case?A) Harris is not required to grant the leave under the FMLA because the act is limited to employees at the executive level.B) Harris is not required to grant the leave under the FMLA because Salim has worked for Firewood Heavy Equipment for less than 12 months.C) Harris is required to grant the leave under the FMLA because Salim belongs to a protected class.D) Harris is required to grant the leave under the FMLA because the condition of Salim’s wife is severe.Answer: _______11. Which type of workplace injury must an employer maintain records of to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?A) An injury that does not require medical treatmentB) An injury that causes loss of consciousnessC) An injury that occurs in the employee’s homeD) An injury that causes loss of interest toward workAnswer: _______12. In cases where employees refuse to work in environments that they believe are not safe, employers: A) must apply the assumption of risk defense against the employees and force them to work.B) must reprimand those workers harshly in their personnel files.C) cannot punish the employees and must comply with their general duty.D) cannot keep the workplace operational under any circumstances.Answer: _______

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