bma530 Forum 1 modules 1 & 2 latest 2015

Forum 1 modules 1 & 2
Choose a publicly traded company that you are familiar with,
and reserve the name on the discussion board. Please note that there should be
no duplication of companies. Hence, the first posting will be the one graded,
and any duplicate postings will result in a grade of 0.
Go to the selected company’s website and look at their
annual report (10k). If you prefer, you may also go to the Securities Exchange
Commission’s EDGAR database and download the annual report. Review the annual
report, paying particular attention to the financial statements and the notes
to the financial statements. How are their financial statements similar and
different from those presented in the text? Describe the differences, if any,
and explain why you believe the differences exist. As a potential investor,
what areas do you think you should be most concerned with, if any, based upon
the notes? Assuming you had unlimited funds, would this be a company you would
invest in? Why or why not? Your thread must be at least 400 words and include 2
peer-reviewed references.
In module/week 2, you will substantially reply to 2 other
students’ threads from module/week 1. Each reply must include 2 peer-reviewed
references and be at least 200 words.
Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of
Module/Week 1, and your replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of
Module/Week 2.

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