Assignment – Random Acts of Kindness

FolderRandom Act of KindnessInstructionsComplete the Writing Assignment “Random Acts of Kindness.” Pleas review the below guidelines for Random Act of Kindness Activity and Paper.Often we hear on the news about random acts of violence, but just as much good goes on that we do not hear about—these have been called “random acts of kindness”. Go out and commit a random act of kindness!!How to conduct your random act of kindness:a. You do not have to spend any money.b. Do something that is UNEXPECTED (more than sending a birthday card):Send a thank you note.Pick wild flowers for your neighbor.Visit someone in nursing home.Sit with a friend in the hospital.Mow someone’s yard or rake his or her leaves. c. This will not be a truly random act because we are planning it, but it needs to be an unexpected act of kindness. This is something that is not expected that you do for someone else just for the sake of being kind or thoughtful.Form:a. The paper should be a minimum of 600 words in length. I check!!b. Margins should be set at approximately one inch all around.c. Use 12-point font either Arial 12, Times New Roman 12, or Tahoma 12.d. Double space.e. Neatness counts.f. Keep a copy of the paper for yourself and turn in the original. Organization:There should be four components in your “random acts of kindness” paper:Describe what you did.Describe how the person reacted or how you think they will react if you do not see their reaction.How did it feel to you to do this? (Your emotions.)Conclusions and Implications –What if everyone did this, how would it affect the world?

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