Assignment 1: Research Paper and Ethics

Assignment 1: Research Paper and EthicsThis assignment provides you with an opportunity to ascertain any explicit or implicit ethical issues and considerations in your literature reviews and research papers.For this assignment, review data-gathering methods, validation, sampling, and research studies—all of the resources used in the development of your papers—in terms of any ethical considerations or issues raised.Relative to this, discuss the following with your classmates in a minimum of 500–600 words:What are the key ethical issues you have discovered or may have inferred during your review of the literature?How and where will you incorporate discussion of ethical issues as you write your research paper?How do your research and that of the authors and scholars you reviewed relate to the ethical principles of beneficence, nonmalfeasance, autonomy, and justice?You may use your textbook, previous course material available, or the Argosy University online library resources for a basic review of ethics in the behavioral sciences. You might also refer to the Webliography of this course to read about the American Psychological Association (APA) code of ethics.All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Submission Details:By Saturday, November 8, 2014, post your responses to this Discussion Area.Through Wednesday, November 12, 2014, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, identify the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have.

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