Ashford SCI 207 – Identify and describe the two classic signs

This assignment is about psychological disorders. There is an abundance of online information aboutpsychological disorders. Some of the information is credible and some of it is not.The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) maintains an excellent website with credible information andcurrent research on mental health and mentaldisorders. For this assignment, you will visit the NIMH website and use it as your primary source ofinformation. The link below will take you to the home page ofthe NIMH site: http://www.nimh.nih.govIt should be very clear that the NIMH site is your primary source of information for this assignment. Youmay also need to use other credible sources to find answers to some of the questions. Since this isa web assignment, all of your sources must be web based. Please read the instructions for this assignmentvery carefully. Most of the instructions appear after the assignment questions.1 point- 1 liner, 2 points – few sentences 3 points- A bit detailedPart C. Bipolar Disorders (9 points)C1. Identify and describe the two “classic” signs of bipolar disorder. (3 points)C2. What percentage of the U.S. adult population has bipolar disorder in a givenyear according to current estimates? (1 point)C3: Explain the difference between Bipolar Disorder 1, Biplolar Disorder 2, andDysthymia. (3 points)C4. What is the most interesting thing you learned about bipolar disorder fromreading about it on the NIMH website? (2 points). Please do not mentionanything included in your answers to questions C1 – C3 above. If you didn’t learnanything interesting, look again or skip the question. You won’t get credit for thisone unless you learned something interesting.Part D: Anxiety Disorders (14 points)D1. What is the full name of each of the following: OCD, GAD, PTSD? (3 points)D2. OCD is characterized by obsessions and/or compulsions. What is thedifference between an obsession and a compulsion? (2 points)D3. Provide an example of an obsession. (1 point)D4. Provide an example of a compulsion. (1 point)D5. Identify two traumatic events or experiences that are associated with theonset of PTSD? (2 points)D6. Phobias are anxiety disorders. Provide the scientific name and description ofone unusual phobia not mentioned in the textbook. (2 points)D7. Provide the scientific name and description of one common phobia? (2points)D8. What percentage of the U.S. adult population have an anxiety disorder in agiven year according to current estimates? (1 point)Part E: Schizophrenia (11 points)E1. What is the difference between a positive symptom of schizophrenia and anegative symptom of schizophrenia? (2 points)E2. Identify and describe two positive symptoms of schizophrenia. (3 points)E3: Identify and describe one negative symptom of schizophrenia. (2 points) E4. What percentage of adults worldwide are estimated to have schizophrenia?(1 point)E5. Many people believe that a major symptom of schizophrenia is the presenceof multiple personalities but that is not the case. What is the name of themental disorder used to classify people with multiple personalities? (1point)3E6. What is the most interesting thing you learned about schizophrenia fromreading about it on the NIMH website? (2 points). Please do not includeanything in your answers to E1 – E5 above. If didn’t learn anything interesting,look again or skip this question. You won’t get credit for this one unless youlearned something interesting.Part F: Classification and Diagnostic Systems (11 points)There are currently two major systems for classifying mental disorders, the DSM,which is widely used in the US and the psychiatric section of the ICD, which iswidely used worldwide. A few years ago, NIMH announced the development of athird approach to mental disorders known as RDoc.F1: What do the letters DSM stand for? (1 point)F2. What is the name of the latest edition of the DSM? (1 point)F3. What organization publishes the DSM? (1 point)F4. What do the letters ICD stand for? (1 point)F5. What is the current edition of the ICD? (1 point)F6. What organization publishes the ICD? (1 point)F7. What is the title of the section of the ICD that includes mental disorders? (-1point)F8: What is the name of the soon to be published edition of the ICD? (1 point)F9: What do the letters RDoc stand for? (1 point)F10. Why is NIMH developing the RDoc? (2 points)Part G: (5 points)There is an ongoing controversy about changes in the latest edition of the DSMbefore and after it was published.G1. One of the major controversies is about the number of disorders in the latestedition of the DSM. Explain why the number of disorders in the latest edition ofthe DSM is controversial. (2 points)G2. The term “mental retardation” was used in the previous edition of the DSM.What term replaced it in the latest edition of the DSM? (1 point)G3. The latest edition of the DSM includes several new depressive disordersincluding disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. What is disruptive mooddysregulation disorder and why is it controversial?

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