APU ISSC662 Week 6 Assignment: Case Study Outline

The selection of the applied case study topical area and a brief outline of that case study will be completed by the end of Week 6. The objective of this assignment is to first select the type and topic of your applied case study, using the Information Security Assurance Capability Maturity Model (ISA-CMM), Draft Version 3.2 as a basis, and then presenting a 2-3 page outline for that case study, listing the key points that you would anticipate presenting in your case study submission.Students will select one of the following approaches to complete this assignment: Conduct an ISA assessment of an organization’s IT systems (no identifying information of the organization) and scoped to a section / server farm / basic IT structure and not an enterprise sort of assessment. Conduct an ISA CMM assessment on one specific area of an IA assessment on an organization. Conduct an ISA CMM assessment using a specific publication or standard and relate that publication or standard to the ISA CMM. Conduct an ISA CMM assessment identifying the differences of specific standards with security implications or contrasts between those publications, using the ISA CMM as the basis of comparison. Conduct an ISA CMM assessment with a focus on a specific part of an information system, breaking it down into different types of networks and requirements meeting legal standards, such different classifications of networks, relating them to the specific sections Of the ISA CMM.This assignment will be due at the end of Week 6. The outline should be between 2-3 pages long (not counting the Cover and Reference pages) and will follow a conventional paper format (Cover page, Body of Paper with outline items that address the introduction, discussion / analysis / argument / body, conclusion, and references pages). See the Writing Expectations contained in the Policies section of the Syllabus for specific focus areas / guidance.

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