A study is run comparing HDL cholesterol levels

7. A study is run comparing HDL cholesterol levels between men who exercise regularly and those who do not. The data are shown below.Regular ExerciseNMeanStd DevYes3548.512.5No12056.911.9Generate a 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean HDL levels between men who exercise regularly and those who do not.8. For each question below, provide a brief (1-2 sentences) response.A) How is the slope coefficient (b1) in a simple linear regression different than the coefficient (b1) in a multiple linear regression model?B) When would a survival analysis model be used instead of a logistic regression model?C) What is the appropriate statistical test to assess whether there is an association between obesity status (normal weight, overweight, obese) and 5-year incident cardiovascular disease (CVD)? Suppose each participant’s obesity status (category) is known as is whether they develop CVD over the next 5 years or not.

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