A police officer randomly selected 347

A police officer randomly selected 347 police records of larceny thefts. Thedata to the right represent the number of offenses for various types oflarcenies. (a) Construct a probability model for type of larceny theft.(b) Are pocket-picking larcenies unusual? TypePocket picking Number of OffensesNumber of Offenses8 Shoplifting 119 From cars 6940 BicyclesFrom buildings 111 Complete the table below.Type Probability ___ Pocket pickingShoplifting Bicycles From buildings (Round to the nearest thousandth asneeded.) ____ From cars _____ (Round to the nearest thousandth asneeded.) ____ (Round to the nearest thousandth asneeded.) __ (Round to the nearest thousandth asneeded.)(Round to the nearest thousandth asneeded.) (b) Arepocket-picking larcenies unusual? A.No, because there were 8 cases of pocket-picking larcenies in therandomly selected records.B.Yes because P(pocket picking)<0.05.C. Yes, because P(pocket picking)<0.5.D.No, because the probability of an unusual event is 0.

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